Content Marketing vs. SEO: How to Make Them Work Together

Last updated:
May 23, 2024

You've probably heard a lot about content marketing and SEO. Both are important for driving traffic and gaining visibility online, but there seems to be confusion around how they differ and whether you have to choose one over the other.

In this article, we'll break down the differences between content marketing and SEO, show you how they complement each other, and provide tips for developing an effective strategy that incorporates both.

You'll walk away with a clear understanding of how content and SEO fit into your overall digital marketing plan and the tools to make them work together seamlessly.

What Is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing your website and its content to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEO is a continuous process that requires ongoing monitoring, analysis, and adjustments to keep up with search engine algorithms and changing user behavior.

There are 3 parts to the SEO equation:

On-page SEO

On-page SEO involves optimizing individual web pages to improve their ranking in search engines. This includes things like:

  • Optimizing page titles and meta descriptions
  • Using relevant keywords in headings, URLs, and content
  • Creating unique, well-written content
  • Adding images with appropriate alt text

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO involves activities outside your website that help boost your ranking. This includes things like:

  • Getting links from relevant, authoritative websites
  • Developing an active social media presence
  • Get links from media outlets and industry publications that mention your press releases.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO focuses on the technical aspects of your website that affect how search engines view and index your pages. This includes things like:

  • Ensuring a fast page load speed
  • Having a mobile-friendly website design
  • Using the correct HTML structure and tags
  • Resolving any crawl errors or broken links

All of these on-page, off-page, and technical optimization tactics work together to improve how search engines see your website, which can help boost your rankings and visibility.

What Is Content Marketing?

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Content marketing involves creating helpful information and distributing it to attract and retain customers. The goal is to drive customers to move down the funnel or take profitable actions.

You create content like blogs, videos, podcasts, and social media posts that provide value to your target audience.

This content aims to engage readers and build trust in your brand as a helpful resource. Over time, loyal followers may turn into customers.

Benefits of SEO and Content Marketing

The benefits of combining content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) are huge. Let's look at a few of the major ones:

Increased Traffic

By optimizing your content for search engines like Google, you make it easy for people to find your content. This results in more visitors to your site and more exposure for your brand.

Better Conversion Rates

High-quality, informative content that ranks well in search engines tends to convert readers better. When people find your content through search, they have stronger intent. If your content answers their queries well, they’re more likely to convert.

Authority and Trust

Publishing high-quality, optimized content consistently helps to establish your brand as an authority in your industry. This makes you a trusted source of information for your target audience.


Unlike paid advertising, content marketing and SEO are very budget-friendly ways to reach your audience. Once you've invested in creating the content, it continues to work for you over the long run to bring in organic traffic and leads. While paid ads come with ongoing costs, the results from content last much longer.

Major Differences Between SEO and Content Marketing

SEO and content marketing are two effective ways to drive traffic to your website, but they have some key differences.

Understanding how they vary can help you develop an integrated strategy to boost visibility and engagement.

  1. SEO is more technical in nature, involving website optimizations, keyword targeting, and tracking metrics like search rankings and organic traffic. Content marketing, on the other hand, is more focused on storytelling, creating compelling content, and building relationships with the audience through various channels such as blog posts, social media, videos, and podcasts.
  2. SEO primarily focuses on optimizing websites and web pages to improve their visibility and ranking in search engine results. It involves keyword research, on-page optimization, technical optimizations, and link building. On the other hand, content marketing emphasizes creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and engaging content to attract and retain a target audience.

How SEO Complements Content Marketing (And Vice Versa)

Given the stark differences in SEO and Content Marketing, combining them would work best.

SEO Fuels Content Marketing

If your content doesn’t reach your target audience, it wouldn’t matter how engaging they are—few people would read it. Therefore, it’s important to optimize your content for SEO and make it easy for people to find it.

Things like using keywords in your content, internal linking between pages, fast page load times, and mobile-friendliness are all part of good SEO and allow your content to rank higher in search results.

Content Marketing Fuels SEO

SEO isn't just about rankings, it's also about providing a great user experience. High-quality, relevant content is essential for both.

By publishing useful content, you give search engines more pages to index and rank, which expands your site's reach.

You also build credibility and authority by demonstrating your expertise through your content. This signals to Google that your site is a trustworthy resource, which boosts your rankings over time.

How to Combine SEO and Content Marketing

While SEO and content marketing are complementary, combining the two strategies effectively requires careful planning and execution.

Here are some ways to combine SEO and content marketing:

  1. Use relevant keywords in your blog posts, articles and other content. This helps make your content visible to search engines and people searching for that topic.
  2. Optimize your images and videos. Add appropriate alt text to images and use meaningful file names. For videos, include a transcript, captions, and a description with relevant keywords.
  3. Publish long-form, in-depth content like comprehensive guides and eBooks. This helps establish yourself as an authority on a topic and attracts links and shares that boost SEO.
  4. Link to helpful pages on your website and authoritative external sources. This passes link equity and signals relevance to search engines.
  5. Update content regularly. Keep publishing fresh, useful content consistently. This gives search engines new pages to index and keeps visitors coming back for more information.
  6. Measure and analyze key metrics. Track metrics like traffic, leads generated, social shares, and rankings to determine what types of content are most effective. See what's working, make changes, and optimize for better results over time.
  7. Promote your content. Share your new content on social media, your email newsletter, and industry forums. This helps expand your reach and pass link equity to boost your SEO.
  8. Most of all, be patient and consistent. SEO and content marketing are long-term strategies. Keep optimizing and publishing great content, and your rankings and traffic will improve.

With the right balance of optimization and high-quality content, SEO and content marketing are a powerful combination. Focus on your audience, keywords, user experience, and consistency for the best results.

By working together, these strategies can significantly impact your search rankings and website traffic.

Challenges In Integrating SEO & Content Marketing

Integrating SEO and content marketing poses some challenges. But with the right approach, you can make them work together harmoniously.

Finding the Balance

Focus too much on SEO and your content can sound unnatural or keyword-stuffed. Concentrate too much on the content and you miss out on valuable traffic and rankings.

The key is to start with your audience. Identify their questions, needs, and interests. Then, optimize your content by:

  • Including important keywords in headings, URLs, meta descriptions, and content
  • Using semantic search, synonyms, and related terms
  • Optimizing page speed and mobile-friendliness
  • Building internal links between relevant content
  • Earning high-quality backlinks from other authoritative sites

Keeping Up with Changes

Both content marketing and SEO are constantly evolving. What works today may not work tomorrow. You need to stay on top of trends and updates from:

  • Google's search algorithm and ranking factors
  • Popular content formats like interactive content, video, and voice
  • New social platforms and ways of engaging your audience

Allocating Resources

Doing both content marketing and SEO well requires a significant investment of time and resources. For small teams, this can be difficult to balance, especially when priorities seem to clash. Focus on:

  • Assigning SEO and content tasks to different team members with oversight to ensure collaboration
  • Starting with an SEO and content audit to identify quick wins and long-term strategies
  • Setting a regular content and SEO calendar to keep efforts consistent and avoid resource crunches
  • Investing in SEO and content tools to maximize your efficiency

With challenges overcome, SEO and content marketing can be a power couple that drives real results. But they require work, balance, and adaptation to thrive.

Measuring The Impact Of SEO & Content Marketing

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

To determine how well your SEO and content marketing efforts are performing, you need to measure their impact. Some of the key metrics to track include:

Traffic Sources

See how people are finding your content by looking at metrics like page views, unique visitors, and traffic sources. If organic search traffic is increasing over time, your SEO and content strategies are likely working. You can also see which social networks are driving the most referral traffic to optimize your sharing efforts.

Keyword Rankings

Check where your target keywords rank in the search engines to gauge how well your SEO campaign is influencing search visibility. Improving rankings, especially for competitive terms, shows your on-page optimization and link-building are paying off.


The number and quality of backlinks pointing to your content can significantly impact search rankings. Monitor your backlinks to see which sites are linking to you and work to build more high-quality links over time.


Metrics like bounce rate, time on page, and page views per session demonstrate how engaging your content is to visitors. If people are spending more time reading your content and clicking through to other pages, you've created something interesting and useful. Engagement is also a signal to search engines that your content is relevant and of high quality.


Ultimately, the success of your SEO and content marketing depends on whether it's driving conversions like form fills, purchases, app downloads, or other desired actions. Track conversion rates over time to see if your organic search traffic and content engagement are turning into real business results.

Measuring and analyzing the performance of your SEO and content marketing initiatives provides valuable insights to help optimize your efforts. See what's working, make improvements where needed, and continue developing a data-driven strategy focused on results. With the right metrics and monitoring in place, you'll have a clear picture of how SEO and content marketing can power growth for your business.


You now have all the tools and knowledge needed to make content marketing and SEO work together seamlessly. By focusing on creating high-quality, relevant content, optimizing it for search, promoting it, and analyzing the results, you'll achieve the best of both strategies. Don't get overwhelmed by trying to do everything at once. Start with one piece of content and one promotion channel. See what works and build from there.

With Hypotenuse AI’s AI SEO solutions, you can leverage the power of content and SEO to grow your business.

SEO Specialist
Hazel has over 3 years of experience in SEO. She has helped multiple clients in different industries grow their online presence through SEO, content creation and other marketing strategies.

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