
100+ Social Media Post Ideas For Your Business

Last Updated:
August 22, 2024

Feeling stuck coming up with fresh content ideas lately? Don't sweat it. We've compiled a list of over 100 social media post ideas to fill up your content calendar and keep your followers engaged. Whether you're looking for quick photo posts, links to interesting articles, fun polls, and questions to start a conversation, we've got you covered. The trick is mixing up your content so you're not just posting promotional updates about your business 24/7. Your followers will appreciate the variety and authenticity.

So brew a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and start scrolling through these 100+ social media post ideas. Keep this list handy for those times when writer's block strikes and you need a quick prompt to get the creative juices flowing again. Your followers will thank you for keeping things fresh. Let's dive in!

Social Media Post Ideas Across Platforms

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Coming up with fresh social media content ideas can be challenging. Here are over 100 social posts ideas across platforms to inspire you and boost engagement:

Social Media Post Ideas for Facebook

  1. Share behind-the-scenes photos from your business. Give followers a glimpse into your company culture.
  2. Share curated industry news and how it relates to your audience. Become a trusted source of information.
  3. Post fun facts about your brand or industry.
  4. Ask followers a question to generate discussion.
  5. Share an infographic with interesting stats.
  6. Post a customer testimonial or review.
  7. Share a photo with a simple call to action.
  8. Highlight a featured product or service.
  9. Post an employee spotlight.
  10. Share tips or how-to content.
  11. Post a throwback photo.
  12. Share a relevant industry quote.
  13. Ask followers to nominate someone for an award.
  14. Post a funny work-from-home or industry meme.
  15. Share a survey to gather feedback.
  16. Share a milestone or anniversary.
  17. Post an inspiring industry quote.
  18. Share a Facebook Live video.
  19. Share a behind-the-scenes story from your company's history.
  20. Post a photo quiz where followers have to guess details about your company or products.

Social Media Post Ideas for Instagram

  1. Post eye-catching product photos. Showcase what you offer in an esthetically appealing way.
  2. Share motivational or inspirational quotes that relate to your brand or industry. Spread positive messages.
  3. Run a weekly contest or giveaway. Increase follows and engagement. Offer discounts or free products as prizes.
  4. Create an Instagram story takeover with an influencer.
  5. Host an Instagram live Q&A with your followers.
  6. Post photos from an event you sponsored.
  7. Create an Instagram reel with tips and advice.
  8. Post a photo of your team.
  9. Highlight a customer review in a post.
  10. Post a photo of your product in its natural habitat.
  11. Create an IGTV video with an expert interview.
  12. Do an Instagram story of your day.
  13. Create a carousel post highlighting product features.
  14. Do a Q&A story sticker with a question for followers.
  15. Post a photo with a call to action to shop now.
  16. Do a poll story sticker to learn what followers want to see.
  17. Share photos that show your company values in action.
  18. Post photos that highlight seasonal products.

Social Media Post Ideas for Twitter

  1. Tweet news headlines or interesting facts related to your industry or area of expertise. Share knowledge.
  2. Retweet industry influencers. Help raise their profile and start a dialog.
  3. Use trending hashtags to increase the visibility of your tweets, especially for promotions or events. Tap into what's popular.
  4. Share surveys and polls. Encourage followers to participate.
  5. Tweet helpful how-to tips and advice.
  6. Share relevant industry articles and news. Provide value to followers.
  7. Post photos from trade shows or conferences you attend. Tag partners.
  8. Tweet inspirational or motivational quotes related to your brand.
  9. Post tweets highlighting a new product launch.
  10. Share behind-the-scenes photos and videos.
  11. Ask followers a question to generate engagement.
  12. Tweet about an important milestone or anniversary.
  13. Share relevant industry statistics and facts.
  14. Tweet an important update or announcement.
  15. Post a funny industry-related meme or GIF.
  16. Share relevant links to blog posts or web resources.
  17. Tweet a photo highlighting your company values in action.
  18. Post a tweet highlighting a featured product or service.
  19. Share photos from industry events you sponsor.
  20. Tweet interesting trivia about your brand or industry.
  21. Post a holiday-themed tweet with relevant hashtags.
  22. Encourage followers to retweet your post by incentivizing it with a giveaway or discount code.
  23. Post a tweet highlighting a customer success story.
  24. Share a tweetable industry quote.
  25. Promote an upcoming webinar or online event.
  26. Tweet a career opportunity at your company.
  27. Share a tweet highlighting an industry trend.
  28. Encourage followers to tag a friend in the replies.

Social Media Post Ideas for LinkedIn

  1. Publish blog posts sharing your expertise. Position yourself as a thought leader. Discuss trends in your industry.
  2. Start discussions in groups. Ask open-ended questions to spur conversation. Participate to raise your visibility.
  3. Endorse your connections for relevant skills. Help strengthen your network and relationships. Reciprocate endorsements.
  4. Share relevant industry articles and news. Provide value and insights.
  5. Post updates highlighting new clients or projects.
  6. Create and share LinkedIn polls to generate engagement.
  7. Write recommendations for connections. Return the favor when recommended.
  8. Post status updates highlighting company milestones.
  9. Share LinkedIn posts from influencers in your industry.
  10. Write a post highlighting a new product launch.
  11. Post updates highlighting employee achievements.
  12. Share statistics and facts relevant to your industry.
  13. Write a post highlighting a customer success story.
  14. Publish a post highlighting an important anniversary or event.
  15. Share relevant industry surveys for followers to participate in.
  16. Write a LinkedIn article sharing how-to tips and advice.
  17. Post an update highlighting an industry trend.
  18. Publish a LinkedIn article discussing a challenge in your industry and possible solutions.
  19. Share photos and posts from industry events you sponsor.
  20. Write a Q&A-style LinkedIn article answering common questions.
  21. Post an update highlighting an employee of the month.
  22. Publish a LinkedIn article discussing career opportunities at your company.
  23. Share a LinkedIn article discussing your company values in action.
  24. Publish a LinkedIn article highlighting an important industry quote.

Social Media Post Ideas for TikTok

Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels
  1. Use hashtags to maximize discoverability in TikTok videos. Research trending hashtags related to your niche.
  2. Create "how-to" and DIY tutorials. Show customers or fans step-by-step instructions for your products or services.
  3. Do live streams to interact with your audience in real-time. Answer questions, share tips, and promote special offers.
  4. Post behind-the-scenes or "day in the life" videos. Give followers an authentic look at your brand and work.
  5. Do duets or reactions to popular videos. Remix content that relates to your brand to increase visibility.
  6. Participate in challenges and trends. Join in on what's going viral to tap into the TikTok community.
  7. Make Q&A videos answering common questions from followers.
  8. Create tutorials on using your products or services.
  9. Post vlogs showcasing a day in the life at your company.
  10. Share fun bloopers and outtakes from your TikTok videos.
  11. Give tips and advice related to your industry or niche.
  12. Do a "morning routine" or "night routine" video to show behind the scenes..
  13. Share funny or relatable stories in a short clip.
  14. Do a duet or reaction video with an influencer in your niche.
  15. Post clips from company events you sponsor or attend.
  16. Do a "day in the life" video as a small business owner.
  17. Share "get ready with me" clips showing how you prep for work.
  18. Do a "try not to laugh" challenge with your coworkers.
  19. Do a "what I eat in a day" video to show your brand's snacks or meals.

Why You Need a Social Media Content Calendar

A social media content calendar is essential for any business or influencer. Why? Because it helps you plan, organize, and keep track of your posts to boost engagement.

Stay Consistent

Posting consistently keeps your audience engaged. A calendar ensures you post regularly by mapping out posts in advance.

Optimize Posting Times

Figure out when your audience is most active on social media and schedule posts during those times. Use a social media management tool to analyze your audience's behavior. Post at the best times for maximum visibility and engagement.

Decide how often you want to post on each network. As a starting point, aim for:

  • 1-2 posts per day on Facebook
  • 1-2 posts per day on LinkedIn
  • 3-5 posts per week on Instagram
  • 2-3 tweets per day on Twitter
  • 3-5 posts per week on Tiktok

You can then adjust based on what works best for your audience and resources. The key is to be consistent. Your followers will come to expect and look forward to your posts.

Use Scheduling Tools

Manually logging in to share on all your social networks multiple times a day isn’t practical or sustainable.

Most tools allow you to:

  • Connect all your social profiles
  • Create posts with text, images, links, and video
  • Schedule posts to go out days, weeks, or even months in advance
  • See all your scheduled posts on a calendar
  • Get analytics and reports to see how your posts perform

Plan Ahead

A calendar allows you to map out posts weeks or months in advance. This means you can create posts when inspiration strikes and schedule them for the appropriate times. Planning ahead also gives you time to curate content, create visuals, and refine posts before sharing them.

Start by brainstorming a content calendar for the next month or quarter. Come up with a mix of posts like:

  • Updates about your business, products, or services
  • Blog posts or articles you've published
  • Curated content from industry influencers
  • Behind-the-scenes photos and videos
  • Quotes and stats related to your industry
  • Questions and polls to increase engagement

A good rule of thumb is to have a mix of 60-70% informational posts about your brand and 30-40% curated for commercial posts.

Stay on Brand

A calendar helps ensure your social media presence remains consistent with your brand. Refer to your brand guidelines when creating posts to keep your messaging, voice, visuals, and other brand elements cohesive across networks.

Track Performance

Reviewing social media metrics helps determine what's working and not working. See which posts, topics, and times resonate most with your audience. Look at impressions, engagement, traffic, and lead generation to optimize your social media strategy. Tweak your calendar as needed to improve performance over time.

With some upfront planning, a social media content calendar will make your efforts highly productive and effective. Give it a try—your audience and brand will thank you!

Tools to Manage Your Social Media Content Calendar

To keep your social media content calendar organized, a few essential tools can make the process much easier.

  • Tools like Google Sheets, Excel, and Notions: Nothing beats a simple spreadsheet for an overview of all your social posts. Create columns for the date, social network, content type (photo, video, blog post), and any notes. You can also include columns for engagement metrics to track what’s performing best.
  • A social media management tool: Tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Buffer allow you to schedule all your social media posts in advance and provide analytics to see how your posts are performing. Most offer a free trial so you can find the one that fits your needs. These tools save so much time and ensure your posts go live when you want them to.
  • An online graphic design tool: To create eye-catching social posts, use a tool like Canva. They provide free templates, photos, and graphics so you can easily design social posts, blog images, ebooks, infographics, and more. Some templates are customizable to match your brand.
  • A content curation tool: If you share content from other sources, tools like Feedly, Buzzsumo, and help you discover and curate content to share with your followers. You can search by topic, keyword, or domain to find the latest news and viral content in your industry. Save content to curate and share on your social networks to provide value to your followers.
  • An AI writing assistant tool like Hypotenuse AI can help you write and optimize content for social media. AI tools like this analyze your brand's existing content, audience, and industry to provide suggestions for social posts that match your tone and voice. You can generate ideas for topics, hashtags, and call-to-action prompts to engage followers. These AI writing assistants streamline content creation so you can fill your social media calendar easily while maintaining a consistent, on-brand message that resonates with your target audience.

Using a combination of these tools will make creating and managing your social media content calendar much more efficient and effective. Give a few a try and see how they can streamline your social media efforts. The time you save can be used to engage with your followers and optimize your content.

Analyzing What Works on Social Media

To boost engagement on social media, you need to analyze what's working and not working. See what types of posts your followers are interacting with so you can give them more of the good stuff.

Look at Your Insights

Check your insights on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to see your top posts by likes, comments, and shares. Study what they have in common. Are they photos, videos, links, or status updates? Notice any themes or topics that resonate. For example, you may find your audience loves behind-the-scenes photos or relatable memes.

Engagement by Post Type

Track how different post types perform to determine a good mix for your content calendar. You may discover:

  • Photos get lots of likes but not many comments.
  • Videos are likely to be shared and receive the most comments.
  • Links to blog posts or news articles generate good discussions.
  • Short status updates are ideal for starting conversations.

Post a variety of content and compare the results to optimize what you share. For the best reach, aim for a combination of photos, videos, links, and status updates.

Pay Attention to Popular Topics

Notice which topics, hashtags, or themes get the most buzz in your niche or industry. If there are trending news stories, buzzwords, or holidays, incorporate them into your posts. Put your own spin on what's popular to make authentic connections with your audience. For example, create social media posts about:

  • Trending TV shows, movies, books, or music.
  • Popular slang terms or cultural references.
  • Current events or news stories in your industry.
  • Hashtags that are trending locally or nationally.
  • Upcoming holidays like Small Business Saturday or National Donut Day.

Learn From Competitors

See what types of posts your competitors or industry influencers are sharing that get high engagement. Notice their content themes, formatting, and the language they use. You can model what's working for them while keeping your posts original.

Analyzing your metrics and paying attention to trends will help you become a social media guru. Keep optimizing your content and in no time, you'll have a content calendar bursting with a hundred post ideas guaranteed to boost your online engagement.


So there you have it, 100+ social media post ideas to inspire you and fill up your content calendar. With this variety of options, you'll never run out of engaging content to share. Keep your audience interested by mixing up the types of posts. Throw in some videos, live streams, and stories in addition to regular photo and text updates. Most of all, have fun with it! Social media is meant to be social, so show your personality. Engage with your followers in the comments and build real connections. If you stay consistent, post high-quality content, and engage authentically, you'll build a loyal following and boost your social media success in no time. Now get out there and start posting! Your followers are waiting.

Content Writer
Alex is a seasoned writer responsible for creating valuable, well-researched content for various industries like tech and ecommerce.

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