
Blog vs. Article: What Makes Them Different?

Last Updated:
March 15, 2024

Have you ever found yourself immersed in an online piece, only to wonder: is this a blog post or an article? It's easy to overlook the subtle nuances that set them apart. While blogs and articles are similar in that they are written content published online, there are some key distinctions worth noting.

Blog Vs. Article: Definition

A blog and an article are two common ways to share information online, but they differ in some key ways.

What Is a Blog?

A blog is an online journal or website where entries are written and organized in chronological order. Blog posts are usually written in an informal, conversational tone. They often share opinions, personal stories, or useful information for a specific audience.

Blogs are usually updated frequently, sometimes even daily. They allow readers to comment on posts and engage in discussion. Many blogs focus on a particular topic, like travel, food, politics, or technology. Businesses also use blogs to share company updates, build their brand, and connect with customers.

What Is an Article?

An article is a written composition meant to inform, persuade, or entertain readers. Articles are more formal than blog posts and aim for an objective, journalistic tone. They are researched and fact-checked. Articles cover news, in-depth explanations of topics, reviews, how-to guides, and more.

Articles are usually posted less frequently than blog posts, though some online publications may publish multiple articles per day. Readers typically cannot comment on or directly engage with articles. Articles are written for a general audience and are meant to be evergreen content that is not tied to current events.

Blog Vs. Article: 7 Key Differences

Whether you want to start a blog or write articles, understanding the differences between these two platforms can help you determine which is the best medium for your needs and audience. Let's break down the main differences between these digital mediums.

Photo by Jaye Haych on Unsplash

1. Purpose and Objective: Blogs Are Ongoing While Articles Have a Specific Focus

The main difference between blogs and articles comes down to their purpose and objective. Blogs are meant to be ongoing, ever-changing, and open-ended, while articles have a specific focus and end goal.

Blogs are written to keep readers up to date with the latest ideas, thoughts, or activities of an individual or organization. They're designed to be updated regularly over time with new posts about recent happenings or events. As a blogger, you can write about whatever is on your mind that day or what you find interesting at the moment. The topics and subjects you cover in your blog can change and evolve over weeks, months, and years.

In contrast, articles are written with a defined focus and intended to achieve a particular purpose that wraps up within that single piece of content. An article explores a specific topic or theme and aims to inform or educate readers on that subject. Once the article is published, the content is static—it does not continue to grow and develop with additional details or tangents like an ongoing blog.

2. Format and Structure: Articles Follow a Clear Format While Blogs Are More Casual

The format and structure of a blog versus an article can vary quite a bit. Blogs tend to have a casual, conversational tone compared to the formal style of most articles.

Blog posts are often written in a casual, chatty tone with a loose structure. There are no strict rules on length, sections, or formatting. You can include personal anecdotes, opinions, questions for readers, images, videos, and links. The layout and visuals are flexible.

In contrast, articles follow a clearly defined format with an introduction, body, and conclusion. They have a more formal tone using an objective voice. Sections and paragraphs should have a clear flow and purpose. Images, graphs, statistics, and citations are included to strengthen key points.

3. Length and Word Count: Articles Are Shorter While Blogs Can Be Long Form

When it comes to length and word count, articles and blogs differ quite a bit. Blogs are usually shorter in length, typically 1,500 to 2,000 words, in order to quickly and concisely convey information to readers. Articles, on the other hand, can be quite lengthy, ranging from 1,500 up to 5,000 words or more per post.

Blogs are meant to explore a topic by providing examples, anecdotes, images, videos, and links. Bloggers have more creative freedom to express their thoughts and opinions on a subject in a casual, conversational way. They can take the time to flesh out ideas and connect with readers.

In contrast, articles need to get straight to the point and focus on just the key facts and main takeaways. There’s no room for tangents or lengthy personal stories. The goal is to inform readers as efficiently as possible given the short length. This means being very selective with details and only including information that is directly relevant.

4. Timeliness and Updates: Blogs Are Updated Regularly, Articles Are One-Off

Blogs are designed to be frequently updated, with new posts added on a regular schedule. The content in blogs is usually fairly short and focused, covering current events, personal stories, or discussions of trending topics. Blog owners aim to connect with readers and build an ongoing conversation through updating several times a week or even daily.

In contrast, articles are one-off, static pieces of content. They go into more depth on a subject and are meant to be evergreen, still being relevant and helpful to readers months or years after being published. Articles are researched, written, edited, and designed to be comprehensive resources on a particular topic. Once an article is published, it typically is not updated or changed.

5. SEO Considerations: Both Can Utilize SEO but Blogs Build Authority Over Time

Photo by NisonCo PR and SEO on Unsplash

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), both blogs and articles can utilize effective SEO techniques to rank well in search engines like Google. However, blogs have a slight edge for building authority and ranking over the long run.

As a blogger, you have the opportunity to frequently publish new content over an extended period of time. This constant addition of relevant content helps improve keyword rankings and build domain authority over the long run. As you consistently publish high-quality blog posts on similar topics, Google starts to see your website as an expert source for that particular keyword or topic. This can help your blog rank higher and higher for those keywords in search results over time.

With articles, you are often publishing a one-off piece of content. While you can still optimize an article for search engines by including important keywords, internal links, and sharing on social media, a single article does not carry the same authority as an established blog. Of course, if you publish many high-quality articles on a topic over time, they can collectively help build your authority.

6. Writing Style and Tone: Blogs Are More Conversational While Articles Are Formal

Blogs are meant to engage readers and build a connection, so the writing tends to be personal and speak directly to the audience using “you” and “we.” The tone is often lighthearted, witty, or even humorous. Blogs usually discuss opinions, experiences, advice, or interesting stories and examples from the author’s perspective.

In contrast, articles have an objective, impartial tone and a formal writing style. They focus on reporting facts, statistics, analysis, or expert opinions. The language is more technical or academic, avoiding personal pronouns and opinions. Articles aim to inform or educate readers on a specific topic. They have a logical flow and structure, often including an introduction, body paragraphs that build an evidence-based argument, and a conclusion that ties it all together.

7. Multimedia and Interactivity: Blogs Allow Comments and Social Sharing

Blogs allow for social interaction and engagement with readers through comments, sharing, and other multimedia features not typically found in traditional articles.

Blogs frequently incorporate multimedia like images, graphics, video, audio, and GIFs to supplement and enhance the written content. These multimedia elements make blogs highly visual and engaging. The multimedia content also provides more ways for readers to understand and connect with the information. Articles, on the other hand, typically only use text and static images. They lack the dynamic multimedia and interactive elements commonly found in blogs.

In summary, blogs build connections through comments, social sharing, and multimedia in a way that traditional articles do not. Blogs create an interactive experience for readers that keeps them engaged and coming back. The social and visual aspects of blogs are what differentiate them from standard articles. Blogs are communities; articles are one-way broadcasts. Both have value but tap into different reader needs and expectations.

Blog vs Article FAQs: Answering Common Questions

1. How do you know if a website is a blog or article?

Blogs are typically more informal and conversational in nature, often written in a personal tone and updated regularly. Articles, on the other hand, are usually more formal, structured, and focused on providing informative or educational content.

2. Can a blog post be turned into an article?

Yes, it is possible to repurpose a blog post into an article by adding additional research, refining the structure, and adjusting the tone to be more formal. This allows you to leverage existing content while tailoring it to reach a different audience or serve a different purpose.

3. Which format is better for monetization?

Both blogs and articles can be monetized. Blogs often use advertisements, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, or selling products/services directly to generate income. Articles, on the other hand, may be monetized through publishing on reputable platforms, selling them to publications, or leveraging them to establish expertise and attract clients.


So there you have it, the top 7 differences between blogs and articles. Hopefully, this helps provide some clarity on what sets these two mediums apart. At the end of the day, whether you're writing a blog or an article, the most important thing is providing value to your readers. Engage them with your unique voice, share knowledge and opinions on topics you care about, and keep them coming back for more. While blogs and articles are not interchangeable, they can both be used to educate and inspire. So pick your favorite and start writing!

SEO Specialist
Hazel has over 3 years of experience in SEO. She has helped multiple clients in different industries grow their online presence through SEO, content creation and other marketing strategies.

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