Write factual, unique articles in 5 minutes

Go from a one line topic to surprisingly great titles, outlines and paragraphs for your blog with AI article writer.

Trusted by 500,000+ marketers

How our AI article writer works

Get your thoughts to paper faster with our step-by-step AI article writer. Add a few lines about your product or company and we'll do the rest.

1. Generate catchy article titles

Simply describe your topic and add your SEO keyword to generate on-brand blog content ideas and titles.

Check box
Generate multiple article title variations at once to get your creative juices flowing
Check box
Choose a tone of voice and point of view, from first to third person to best express your voice
Check box
Provide context like your target audience, product details or company background to incorporate into the article
Article promptBlog article titles
Blog article outline

2. Create detailed article outline variations

Our AI article writer will craft outlines for you to plan the structure of your article in a logical and easy-to-follow way.

Check box
Research for factual content and statistics about each section with our Content Detective tool
Check box
Enter your own talking points to guide the AI blog writer to generate articles based on your point of view and experience
Check box
Get fresh takes on an idea by re-generating multiple, unique outlines

3. Generate your article draft

Create surprisingly great paragraphs—and edit them for your final content piece.

Check box
Generate and re-generate for different perspectives on a paragraph outline
Check box
Check your content with our plagiarism checker to protect your online reputation and peace of mind
Check box
AI article writer learns from your final article for improved, tailored copywriting over time
blog article draft

4. Generate more original content with your AI assistant

Continue expanding on your long-form content with our Continue writing AI assistant—like autocomplete on steroids.

Check box
Continue generating content based on what's been written
Check box
Command our AI to come up with lists, examples, contrasting statements and anything under the sun
Woman and AI content generator app preview

Use cases of our AI article writer

From ecommerce to electric cars, our AI writer has built up millions of data points on your industry. It knows how to write compelling, converting copy with just a few prompters from you.

Saves Time Icon

SEO and content marketers

Kickstart content briefs with clear, customer-centric content that is consistent across your buyer's journey.

SEO Ranking Icon


Use an AI article generator to jumpstart creativity with a clear message that aligns with your creative brief.

Increase Conversion Icon


Build your brand, get your thoughts into the world and educate your customers without a dedicated copywriter or staff.

Let your words flow with Hypotenuse AI

Turn a few keywords into surprisingly great blog headlines, outlines and articles with the best AI article writer.

Blog Post and Article Example

A blog post written by our AI article writer

Blog posts are one of the best ways to connect with your audience.

When you write an article, you're creating an opportunity to connect with your audience on a more personal level.

Here's an example of unique content our article writer has generated that will help you speak to your audience.

Tap Into the Power of an AI Writer and Streamline Your Blogging and Content Strategy

When it comes to writing, you could say AI article writers are the new kids on the block. Although it's been around for a while, AI is only now starting to make its presence felt in the writing world.

You may be wondering what AI can do for you in creating content. It helps with all stages of the content creation process, from brainstorming to proofreading.

In this article, we'll discuss how AI can help you write better, unique content and how you can use it to improve your workflow.

What is AI?

AI stands for artificial intelligence. And what that means is that it's a computing system that can learn and work on its own. It can analyze data and recognize patterns, which is why it's become so popular for things like marketing and customer service.

How Can AI Help With Writing Articles?

Imagine this: you have a great idea for an article, but you're not sure how to start writing it. You could sit down at your computer and try to hammer out a first draft, but it's going to be a lot harder than you think. You might spend hours staring at a blank screen, and when you finally do start writing, the words just don't flow the way you want them to.

Enter AI content generators. With the help of a good AI writing tool, you can brainstorm ideas, do research, and write the first original draft of your article quickly and easily. Plus, with the help of keyword integration, your article will be SEO-friendly from the get-go. This is a huge help when you're trying to produce high-quality content on a tight deadline.

1. Writing headlines

One of the most difficult things about writing articles is coming up with a headline that accurately reflects the content of the article, while also being catchy and attention-grabbing. This is where AI can really help. With the help of an AI tool, you can easily come up with a list of potential headlines for your article, and then choose the one that you think will work best.

2. Brainstorming outlines

If you're struggling to come up with ideas for your article, AI can help with that too. By inputting a few keywords, you can get a list of potential outline ideas to write about. Once you have some ideas, you can then use the AI content writer to do some research and flesh out your ideas.

3. Researching details

Another area where AI can help is with research. If you're not sure what to write about, or you need some help fleshing out your ideas, an AI tool can help you by conducting research and finding relevant information for you for your content sections. All you have to do is input a few keywords, and the AI tool will do the rest.

4. Writing the first draft

Once you have your ideas and research material, it's time to start writing the first draft of your article. This is where AI content writing can really help. With the help of an AI writing tool, you can quickly and easily produce a first draft that is well-written and accurate. Plus, with the help of keyword integration, your article will be SEO-friendly from the get-go.

5. Editing and proofreading

After you've written the first draft of your article, it's time to edit and proofread it. AI can help you check, edit and proofread your article for grammar, spelling, and style.

If you're struggling to get your ideas down on paper, or just looking for a way to streamline your article-writing process, AI can definitely help. Why not try it out? AI writing tools are becoming more and more advanced every day, and they can help take your writing to the next level.

Are There Any Drawbacks to Using AI to Write Articles?

So, are there any drawbacks to using AI generator tools to write articles? Let's take a look.

For one, the results can sometimes be repetitive—AI can't always tell what content has been covered, and might repeat itself for the sake of clarity.

It also can't draw on personal insights or feelings, so it might miss out on some of the more human aspects of writing. AI can get caught up in the details and miss the bigger picture. This is why it's important to have a human editor review the final product.

Finally, while AI can help with grammar and punctuation, it's not perfect. Sometimes, it can make mistakes that a human writer wouldn't make.

Another thing to keep in mind is that AI text generation is still evolving, and it's not going to replace human writers anytime soon. It's just a tool that can help them. As long as you're aware of its limitations, AI can be a valuable tool in your content creation arsenal.

So if you're thinking about using AI to write your next article, keep these things in mind.

Overall, it's still a helpful tool that can make your writing process a lot easier, and it's only going to get better over time.


AI definitely has the potential to help with all aspects of content creation, from brainstorming to editing and proofreading.

There are a number of AI-powered tools that can help with different parts of the writing process, and it's worth exploring which ones work best for you.

The bottom line is that AI can help to speed up the writing process, and can also produce high-quality results. So if you're looking to produce content faster and more efficiently, AI is worth considering for sure.

Discover a better way to write

Take the first step towards writing thoughtful blog articles that engage your audience and boost conversion.

Style Icon

Craft content that aligns
with your brand

Let the AI writer know what your brand is about and generate content that encapsulates all that it stands for.

Bulk Icon

Breeze through an
easy-to-follow workflow

Go from blog idea to long-form article in a simple, guided workflow. Refine generated output every step of the way.

PIM Icon

Do away with the grunt
work of writing

Focus your time on essential tasks like keyword research and developing your blog content strategy. Let AI copywriting do the rest.

Edit Icon

Edit and refine all at once

A clean, in-built blog article editor right at your fingertips. Also compatible with all your grammar-checking browser extensions and tools.

Language Icon

Kickstart your creativity

Need some fresh blog ideas? Our AI writer will get you started with a couple of relevant blog topics specifically catered to your brand.

AI Learns Icon

Write with AI that learns

The more you write, the more it learns about your preferences and the better it gets over time. It's the intelligent tool you always needed.


What is an AI article writer?

What kind of articles can I write with the AI article writer?

Is the content in the generated articles plagiarism-free?

Will Google penalize me for using AI-generated content?

Is the blog article generated by Hypotenuse AI writer SEO-optimized?

Will I still need to edit the content and articles generated by the AI?

What languages does Hypotenuse AI writer support?

How much does Hypotenuse AI writer cost?

Thinking about your content strategy?

We've collected all the resources and tips you need to craft stellar product stories.

Supercharge Your Content Strategy With an AI ARTICLE Writer

Modern businesses rely on content to reach customers, educate prospects, and build their brands. However, creating high-quality content at the pace required today can be challenging. That's where an AI writer can help.

What is an AI article writer and how does it work?

An AI article writer is an AI tool that generates written content. It works by using machine learning algorithms that have been trained on large amounts of text data. When given a topic or prompt, an AI blog writer can generate new text that matches the style, tone, and content of the data it was trained on.

Hypotenuse AI writer can help businesses scale their content production while maintaining quality. Our AI article writer can research in real-time, generate initial drafts, and even create customized content. This frees up marketers and writers to focus on higher-value tasks. The article blog posts are not only well-written and informative but it can generate SEO-optimized blog article content.

Understanding the Benefits of AI Writers

So you might be wondering, "What's the point of using an AI writer?" Well, it can do much more than just saving you time. AI writers can help with your entire blogging and content strategy in a number of ways.

Consistent Content Quality

AI article generators are able to create content that has a more consistent quality baseline more quickly than humans. With their natural language processing capabilities and data analytics algorithms, human writers can also use AI research tools during the writing process to research and spin up fresh content, or even produce news articles that are more informative and authoritative, in a shorter period of time.

Repurpose Your Content

AI writers also allow you to easily repurpose content across mediums, which can save you time and money. This includes converting existing blog articles into different formats like video scripts, emails, social media posts, press releases, and more.

Write Different Types of Content

No matter what type of content you need help with—generating headlines, generating meta descriptions or even an email writer—an AI writer has got your back. Most AI writing tools have different specialized tools and templates purpose-built for different types of content, so that you don't have to go through the hassle of researching topics yourself or hiring multiple different writers for every task.

Include Search Keywords Automatically

The best part about using an AI blog writer is its ability to automatically include search keywords in your content so it is optimized for SEO purposes. This means that your blog posts or web pages will be picked up by search engines more easily and rank higher in search results for relevant terms.

Streamlined Editing with Commands

In addition to its core features, the AI writer offers an innovative way to edit your content using commands. This intuitive functionality allows for effortless editing and ensures a smooth writing experience.

Quicker Time-to-Publish

Finally, with an AI blog writer on board, you can quickly get your blog post or article published, which includes integrations to CMS and platforms like Shopify. This means that you can get your content out there sooner without juggling uploads and downloads.

Use Cases of Hypotenuse AI Writer


Businesses of all sizes can greatly benefit from using Hypotenuse AI Writer. Whether you're a small startup or a well-established corporation, this powerful tool can help you streamline your content creation process.

One major advantage for businesses is in creating compelling blog posts. With Hypotenuse, you can provide the AI with your desired topic, audience, and length requirements, and it will generate a draft for you to review, revise, and finalize. By utilizing Hypotenuse, businesses can save valuable time and resources by generating initial drafts of various types of content.


For marketers, Hypotenuse AI Writer offers a range of benefits to enhance their campaigns and strategies. One key use case is generating engaging social media posts. By providing the AI with your topic, target audience, and length requirements, you can swiftly create attention-grabbing posts that resonate with your followers. This saves marketers precious time and empowers them to focus on other critical aspects of their campaigns.

SEO Professionals

SEO professionals can take advantage of Hypotenuse AI Writer to enhance their search engine optimization efforts. By providing the AI with specific keywords and keyphrases to target, you can ensure that your content is optimized for search engines while maintaining a natural and authentic tone. Hypotenuse enables SEO professionals to achieve higher rankings on search engine result pages, ultimately driving more organic traffic to their websites.


Writers, both professional and aspiring, can harness the power of Hypotenuse AI Writer to simplify their content creation process. Whether you're writing blog posts, social media content, or email newsletters, Hypotenuse can generate initial drafts based on your given instructions. This saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on refining and polishing your content.

Ready to use your AI article writer?

Try a free trial of our AI writer to start generating ideas and content.