Content writing

How to Write a Killer Conclusion

Last Updated:
July 26, 2024

You've come this far in crafting your piece of writing, so don't blow it now by slapping on a weak conclusion. Ending with a whimper instead of a bang is a rookie mistake. The conclusion is your last chance to drive your point home and leave a lasting impression on the reader. So you need to put in the work to make it count.

Think of your conclusion as the finale of a fireworks show. You start out with some sparks to capture attention, build up intensity and drama throughout the main body, then end with the biggest, brightest explosions. Your conclusion should make the reader sit back and say "wow" while the final points and insights you presented linger in their mind.

A killer conclusion is no accident. It takes planning and effort to end as strongly as you began. But when you do, your readers will walk away with a transformed perspective and newfound appreciation for your work. Read on to discover how to craft a compelling conclusion that ties everything together and leaves them wanting more.

Summarize Your Main Points

The conclusion is your last chance to drive your main points home and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Briefly restate your main points from the article to remind the reader of the key takeaways:

  • Restate your thesis statement and main argument
  • Recap the 2-3 most important points that support your thesis
  • Keep this summary concise while highlighting why these points are significant

For example, if your article is about effective study habits, your summary might be:

"In summary, the three most crucial study habits are: taking consistent breaks to recharge, teaching the material to another person, and relating the material to information you already know. Implementing these strategies can have a huge impact on how well you learn and retain information."

Pro Tip: Hypotenuse's AI Summarizer works to summarize text from URLs, YouTube videos, and webpages to extract key points quickly for you. You can even choose between paragraph or bullet point formats for the generated output. Try it today for free – no credit card required!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Connect Back to Your Introduction

Connecting your conclusion back to the introduction is key to providing a satisfying ending to your essay or article. As you write your conclusion, keep these tips in mind:

Revisit Your Thesis

Restate your thesis statement, but change the wording. Don't just copy and paste what you wrote in the introduction. Rephrase your main argument to reinforce it in the reader's mind.

For example, if your thesis was "Space exploration is worth the cost because it drives innovation, expands our understanding of the universe, and inspires mankind," you could restate it as: "While space travel is expensive, the rewards it reaps in new technologies, scientific discoveries, and human inspiration far outweigh any price tag."

Keep It Brief

Your conclusion should be relatively short, around 3 to 5 sentences. Don't introduce any new ideas or arguments here. Keep it focused on reinforcing your key message so it resonates with readers. Short and sweet is the way to go for maximum impact.

End on a High Note

A strong conclusion is essential to leaving your reader with a lasting impression. End your essay on a high note by reinforcing your key message and main takeaway. Here are some tips for writing a killer conclusion:

End with Impact

Finish strong by ending your conclusion with a powerful statement that leaves a lasting impression:

"Making these changes to your study approach can be the first step to fulfilling your true potential as a learner."

"Home safety is about vigilance, not luck. Take control now."

Following these steps will help you craft a compelling conclusion that drives your message home and motivates your readers to take action. Your conclusion is your parting message—so make it count!

Use parallel structure

If your introduction posed a question or series of questions, answer them in the conclusion. Or rephrase your introductory sentences using parallel structure. This helps to tie the conclusion neatly back to the beginning and creates a complete package. For example, “While the road ahead is long, our determination is strong. Together, we will achieve great things.”

Add a Call to Action

A strong conclusion is the final impression you leave with your readers. To make it really impactful, add a call to action that inspires them to do something after finishing your piece.

Tell them what to do

Directly tell your readers what they can do with the information or ideas from your writing. For example, if you wrote an article on environmental sustainability, suggest:

  • Reduce your plastic use by bringing reusable bags when you shop and saying no to straws.
  • Eat less meat and more plant-based foods. Meat production strains natural resources, so even one meatless meal a week can help.
  • Contact your political representatives and ask them to support legislation for renewable energy and greener policies.

Issue a challenge

Dare your readers to step out of their comfort zone and make a change. For example:

I challenge you to turn off your phone for one hour each evening and spend that time engaging with friends or family face to face. See how it impacts your relationships and mental wellbeing.

Inspire them

End with an inspiring vision of the future or a motivating message. For example:

Together, we have the power to shape the world for future generations. Let's make it a sustainable one. Our planet depends on the actions we take today. What we do matters.

Give helpful resources

Point readers to useful resources, tools, or further reading on the topic. For example:

To learn more about how you can get involved in the environmental movement, check out websites like The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, and Greenpeace. They make it easy to donate, volunteer your time, and find local events and campaigns to support.

Ending strong with a call to action will energize your readers and give them a clear takeaway from your writing. Challenge them to think bigger, inspire their creativity, and provide helpful resources to support their continued learning and growth. Send them off with motivation and a sense of purpose!

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Proofread and Revise

The final step before publishing your article is to proofread and revise. This process is critical to ensuring your key points and message come through clearly to readers. Use a rewording tool to break down chunky texts into concise paragraphs.

Read it aloud

There’s no better way to identify awkward phrasing or unintended repetition than by reading your work aloud. Listen for parts that don’t flow or sound natural. Make notes and revise those sections.

Get feedback

Ask a friend or colleague to review your work and provide constructive criticism. Let them know specifically if there are any areas you want them to pay close attention to. Incorporate their notes into your revisions.

Check for consistency

Double check that you’ve used the same terms and phrases to refer to key concepts and people throughout the piece. For example, if you call a source “Dr. Smith” in one paragraph, don’t call them “the doctor” in the next reference.

Streamline your language

Go through your writing line by line to tighten your language and make your points as concise as possible. Look for words and phrases that can be trimmed or rewritten to be more impactful. Shorten sentences when you can.

Check facts and links

Double check that any factual information you've included is accurate and up to date. Test that all links are working. There's no quicker way to lose reader trust than by including incorrect facts or dead links.

With careful proofreading and revision, you can transform a good article into a great one that achieves your goals and leaves a lasting impression on readers. Take the time to refine and improve your work—your readers will surely appreciate the effort.

Conclude in Style with Hypotenuse AI

The secret to crafting a killer conclusion is to keep it short, reiterate your key points with confidence, and end with a bang. Summarize the main takeaways from your article in a few sentences to reinforce them in the reader’s mind. Repeat your theme or thesis statement but say it in a fresh new way. And finish strong with a call to action or impactful statement that leaves the reader feeling inspired or motivated. Now you’re armed with the tools to wrap up your article in style. Keep practicing and soon writing powerful conclusions will become second nature. Your readers will be hooked from start to finish.

P.S. Hypotenuse AI can generate multiple conclusions for you instantly. Sign up for a free trial here.

Content Writer
Alex is a seasoned writer responsible for creating valuable, well-researched content for various industries like tech and ecommerce.

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