Optimizing your SEO Workflow to Rank Higher on Search

Last Updated:
May 20, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, crafting compelling content alone isn't enough. You need a strategic workflow that optimize your ideas for the search engine so you’ll show up in top SERPs.

This guide unveils the secrets of an optimized SEO workflow, whether you’re a seasoned SEO pros or just starting. Use this step-by-step blueprint to create content that ranks high, resonates with audiences, and fuels sustainable success.

What is an SEO workflow?

An SEO workflow refers to the sequence of steps taken to optimize your website content for search engines. Following an effective workflow ensures your content ranks well in search results and attracts more organic traffic.

Why do I need an SEO workflow?

Photo by Christina Morillo

Having a consistent SEO workflow in place will help you achieve higher rankings in search engines. When you follow a proven process for optimizing your content, you'll have a much better chance of ranking well.

An SEO workflow helps ensure that you don't miss any important steps. It provides a blueprint so you can work efficiently and effectively. Some of the key reasons you need an SEO workflow:

  • It makes SEO a repeatable process. With a workflow, you have a checklist to follow for each piece of content. This helps you avoid forgetting key on-page optimization elements like using target keywords, internal linking, optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, image alt text, and more.
  • It leads to higher-quality content. When you have a process to follow, your content will be more comprehensive and of higher quality. You'll consider important factors like reader intent, keyword research, competitor analysis, and content structure.
  • It saves time. With a solid workflow, you won’t need to figure out SEO for each piece of content—just take your template, plug and play. This streamlines your efforts and boosts productivity. Incorporating AI into your workflow can further enhance efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and surfacing issues humans might not notice.
  • It yields better results. Consistently following an SEO workflow for your content will lead to improved rankings and organic traffic over time. Search engines reward websites that regularly publish high-quality, optimized content. An SEO workflow helps you achieve that.
  • It makes SEO scalable. For websites with a large volume of content, an SEO workflow is essential. It's the only way to effectively optimize content at scale while maintaining quality. The workflow acts as a self-sustaining system that your team can implement for all content.

Who is responsible for SEO workflow?

While an entire organization should be SEO conscious, the primary responsibility for developing and executing an SEO workflow is the SEO team or SEO manager.

They are accountable for designing an SEO workflow and getting buy-in from the rest of the organization. They ensure all content is optimized according to the workflow and search engines' best practices. The SEO team also tracks workflow KPIs to measure its effectiveness.

AI can help streamline this process and boost efficiency. Hypotenuse AI SEO writer helps SEO teams create content from start to finish while adhering to your brand's voice.

What are the different types of SEO workflows you can create

There are several types of workflows used in SEO. Understanding the different workflows will help you streamline your SEO processes and tasks.

1. Content creation workflow

This workflow focuses on the steps to create new content like blog posts, videos, or podcasts. The basic steps include:

  • Come up with content ideas
  • Research the topic and competition
  • Create an outline
  • Write a draft
  • Edit and proofread
  • Optimize content for SEO (add keywords, internal links, optimize page titles and meta descriptions, etc.)
  • Publish and promote the content on social media

2. Content optimization workflow

This workflow improves the SEO of your existing content. The steps include:

  • Audit your existing content to find opportunities for improvement
  • Update page titles, meta descriptions, and headers
  • Add internal links to relevant content
  • Include keyword variants and synonyms
  • Update content to include trending search terms
  • Consider repurposing old content

3. Content strategy workflow

This workflow incorporates SEO best practices into your overall content strategy and planning. It helps ensure your content supports your SEO goals from the start. The basic steps are:

  • Define SEO goals and audience persona
  • Identify keywords and topics to target based on SEO research
  • Create a content calendar with topics mapped to keywords and distribution schedules
  • Assign responsibilities and deadlines for creating and optimizing content
  • Track key metrics like traffic, rankings, and engagement
  • Analyze performance and refine strategy

Having a content strategy workflow in place can help you create a steady stream of SEO-optimized content that achieves your business goals. It provides the foundation for your other SEO workflows by establishing what content you need, who will create it, and how it will be optimized and distributed.

4. Auditing Your Website, Keyword Research, Building Links

Keyword Research

Conducting effective keyword research is crucial for any SEO strategy. Start by identifying broad main terms related to your industry. Then, create a list of more specific keywords related to those broad terms.

Use a keyword research tool to find data on search volume and discover additional related keywords. Map out a content plan for how to use these new keywords, whether for blog posts, informational articles, etc. Then, execute your content plan.

Auditing Your Website

When auditing your website's SEO, first choose target pages. Use an SEO tool to analyze those pages and review the results. Identify issues impacting SEO based on strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. Follow recommendations to improve the pages. Repeat for each audited page.

Building Links

For building links, start by adding internal links within new content where relevant. Publish the content, then integrate its URL into existing pages. Identify external websites to earn backlinks from, like industry blogs. Audit your overall linking strategy, optimizing as needed.

5. SEO project management workflow

This workflow helps you keep your team on the same page and manage all your SEO projects and tasks efficiently. The basic steps are:

  • Define project goals and timeline
  • Assign tasks and responsibilities to team members
  • Track key milestones and deadlines
  • Share updates and communicate with your team
  • Monitor KPIs and make adjustments as needed
  • Review and analyze results once the project is complete

Using the right workflows for your SEO needs will help streamline processes, increase productivity, and ultimately drive better results.

What workflows does your team currently have in place? Are there any new workflows you can implement? Keep optimizing and improving your SEO workflows over time.

What are the benefits of using an SEO workflow?

An SEO workflow helps you optimize your content at every stage of creation. By following a consistent process, you can boost your search rankings and increase organic traffic to your site.

Some of the major benefits of implementing an SEO workflow include:

Improved search rankings

By optimizing your content, you make it more likely to rank higher in search results. An SEO workflow ensures you include important elements like keywords, internal links, page titles, and meta descriptions in every piece of content. Over time, these optimizations accumulate to improve your overall search ranking and authority.

More organic traffic

Higher search rankings and an optimized site mean more people will find your content through search engines like Google. This inbound traffic is organic, meaning visitors find you on their own instead of through paid ads or social media. Organic traffic tends to convert better and costs you nothing to obtain.

Better user experience

An SEO workflow also enhances the user experience on your site. Things like page titles, headings, internal links, and alt text for images help visitors navigate your content more easily. Your content will be more scannable, concise, and compelling. All of these factors lead to higher time on the page and lower bounce rates.


Once you establish an SEO workflow, you can scale it as you produce more and more content. The process becomes second nature, allowing you to optimize content efficiently while still focusing on quality writing and creativity. You can also track key metrics over time to see how your optimizations are impacting search traffic and rankings.

Implementing an SEO workflow does require an initial investment of time and resources. However, the long-term benefits to your search rankings, traffic, and site authority make it well worth the effort. With consistency, your SEO workflow can become an automated habit and a key part of your content creation process.

How to Implement an SEO Workflow

To implement a solid SEO workflow, follow these steps:

Focus on the user. Create content that provides value to your readers. Write in a friendly, conversational tone and aim for an 8th-grade reading level. Include basic explanations and definitions of industry terms since you want the content to be understood by beginners.

Do keyword research. Find keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for. Use keyword tools to find keywords with high search volume and low difficulty. Include these keywords in your page titles, headers, and throughout the content.

Optimize page titles and meta descriptions. Your page title and meta description are the first things search engines and users see. Include your target keyword in the page title and write an engaging meta description that includes your keyword and motivates users to click.

Use header tags. Header tags (H2, H3, H4) break up your content and make it easy to navigate. They also highlight important topics and keywords for search engines. Use header tags to create a visual hierarchy on the page.

Add internal links. Include links to other authoritative sites and resources. This helps establish your content as a trusted source and also provides more value to your readers. But don't overdo it - aim for 1-2 links per 100 words.

Review and revise. Go over your content to make sure there are no errors. Check that your keywords and links are well-integrated into the content. Look for any places that could use improvement to best serve your readers and rank in search engines. Get feedback from others if possible.

Following these steps will help you develop an effective SEO workflow and create content that ranks well and provides value to your readers. Be sure to revisit your content from time to time to make any updates needed to keep it ranking high in the search engines.

Workflows and Their Impact on SEO

Optimized workflows ensure that all aspects of SEO, from keyword research to link building, are done efficiently and systematically. This consistency and organization significantly impact your rankings and results.

An poorly-optimized workflow can lead to:

  • Redundant or irrelevant content that doesn't satisfy user intent
  • Overlooking important SEO elements like title tags and meta descriptions
  • Inconsistent or lack of internal linking between pages
  • Failure to identify and act on opportunities to build valuable links

By contrast, an effective SEO workflow allows you to:

  • Create relevant, reader-focused content around those topics
  • Optimize every page using best practices for on-page SEO
  • Build a comprehensive internal link network to share value across your site
  • Obtain links from authoritative sources to boost your domain authority

All of these elements come together to produce content that search engines trust and users appreciate.

An optimized workflow ensures consistency in implementing SEO best practices and monitoring key performance indicators. This allows you to identify issues, make timely updates, and continuously improve your content's performance.

Elevate Your SEO Game: Integrate Hypotenuse AI in Your Workflow

Having efficient workflows in place for creating and optimizing your content can make a huge difference in your SEO success. The key is to develop processes that allow you to produce high-quality content at scale.

By integrating Hypotenuse into your workflow, you can automate time-consuming tasks, produce more optimized content at scale, and gain insights to improve your strategy continuously. Give Hypotenuse AI's SEO pro mode a try to supercharge your SEO content process and results.

SEO Specialist
Hazel has over 3 years of experience in SEO. She has helped multiple clients in different industries grow their online presence through SEO, content creation and other marketing strategies.

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