
How to Turn Ecommerce Product Features into USPs That Drive Sales

Last Updated:
June 26, 2024

Diving into the world of product features is like uncovering the secret ingredients that make a product stand out. For ecommerce businesses, these features are more than just specs; they're the unique selling points that grab attention and drive sales.

Let’s explore how these attributes shape a product's success and they really mean for your business.

Defining Product Features

Product features refer to the individual characteristics or attributes of a product that define its performance and uniqueness. Product features differentiate one product from another and help customers determine which product is right for them.

Why Are Product Features Important?

Product features help attract customers and drive sales. They communicate a product's benefits, value, and competitive advantages. Customers make purchasing decisions based largely on the features of a product compared to alternatives.

Think of a product feature as the specific capability, characteristic, or component that helps a product stand out from its competitors.

Types of Product Features

Photo by Rachit Tank on Unsplash

Product features can generally be classified into four main types:

  1. Function - These are the basic functions or capabilities that the product provides. They form the core of what the product does and why customers need it. Examples include opening and saving files for a document editor or playing and pausing music for an audio player.
  2. Design - The visual design and layout of the product's interface and components. This includes things like the color scheme, typography, iconography, and how information is organized on the screen. Design could just be aesthetic or may impact usability.
  3. Quality - How well the product performs its functions. This includes factors like speed, reliability, stability, and accuracy. High-quality features build trust and confidence with users.
  4. Experience - The overall user experience the product provides. This encompasses ease of use, intuitiveness, and how the product makes users feel mentally, physically and emotionally. Positive experiences lead to satisfaction and loyalty.
  5. When defining your product features, aim to deliver value across all four types. Offer useful functions, a well-designed interface, high quality and reliability, and an experience that exceeds user expectations.
  6. Balance functionality with usability and aesthetics. Test features with real users to ensure they actually enhance the product experience in meaningful ways.

Difference: Product Features Vs. Benefits

When creating a product, it’s crucial to understand the difference between features and benefits. Features describe what your product is or does, while benefits explain how those features are valuable to the customer.


Features are the characteristics and capabilities of your product. For a smartphone, features could include:

  • Screen size
  • Camera resolution
  • Processor speed
  • Amount of storage
  • Battery life

These specifications are factual details about the phone itself. They demonstrate what it is and what it can do.


Benefits describe how the features are useful, making an emotional connection with the customer. For example:

  • A large screen lets you watch movies and videos in stunning high definition.
  • A 48MP camera captures incredibly detailed photos for printing and sharing.
  • A fast processor loads apps instantly and provides smooth gameplay.
  • Generous storage lets you save all your photos, songs, and files without worrying about space.
  • All-day battery allows you to keep using your phone from morning to night without recharging.

The benefits focus on how the features improve the customer’s experience. They create desire by highlighting the most relevant advantages of using your product.

An effective product description needs both well-chosen features and compelling benefits. The features establish credibility by showing what your product offers, while the benefits connect emotionally by revealing the value to customers.

How to Create and Validate Product Features?

When developing a new product, the features are what set it apart and make it appealing to customers. Follow these steps to create compelling, useful features that highlight your product's unique value:

  1. Identify customer needs and problems. Talk to customers and prospects to understand what frustrations or challenges they have that your product could solve.
  2. Brainstorm potential solutions. Use your customer insights to come up with features that directly address those needs and problems. Consider multiple options. For example, a light dimming feature for those suffering from insomnia, or toy made of studier material for stronger dogs.
  3. Evaluate feasibility. Assess how realistic and achievable each potential feature is within your constraints. Can you find manufacturers that can produce these features? Are they within your budget? Filter out impractical ideas.
  4. Prioritize by importance and impact. Rank the remaining features based on how critical they are to solving customer problems and driving value.
  5. Prototype and test early. Build rough versions of the most important features and get feedback from target users to refine and improve them. You can even do backorders to gauge interest.
  6. Implement iteratively. Release early versions with highest priority features first and continue improving and adding features over time based on customer and market feedback.
  7. Monitor usage and effectiveness. Conduct customer surveys or track how customers actually use the features to determine which ones deliver the most benefit. Adjust and launch newer, improved versions over time.

With a strategic, user-centric approach to developing features, you can create products that truly make a difference in people's lives.

Integrating Product Features Into Your Product Planning

Photo by airfocus on Unsplash

Integrating product features into your product planning process is crucial for developing offerings that meet customer needs and drive value. When developing a new product or improving an existing one, carefully considering the features you want to include is a key part of the planning process. As a business owner, how can you decide which features to focus on?

There are a few questions worth considering:

  • What customer problems are your features solving?
  • How directly do the features address important customer needs?
  • Which features will provide the most benefit and value?
  • How easily can customers understand the purpose of each feature?
  • Which features are most important to encourage purchases and repeat purchases?
  • How compatible are the features with your business goals and strategy?

Integrating the right blend of purposeful, differentiated features into your product requires strategic planning. But the effort pays off with satisfied customers who connect with your product vision.

How to Write and Sell Your Product Features with Hypotenuse AI

While you’re testing your product features and even after you’ve launched it, it’s important to write product descriptions that convey the benefits clearly. This can help drive traction so you can properly test demand and drive growth.

This is where Hypotenuse AI comes in. Hypotenuse AI can help businesses turn product features into compelling product descriptions in a few ways.

  • Take control of your product data and the kind of tone, style, and structure of the product descriptions you want to generate.

With Hypotenuse, you can leverage cutting-edge AI to build the right features at the right time - fueling sustainable product-market fit.

In summary, understanding your product's key features is crucial for an ecommerce business. Think through what makes your offering stand out and the specific benefits it provides customers. Identify those vital functions that solve their pain points.

Hone in on the most compelling aspects that get buyers excited. And make sure your messaging consistently highlights those differentiated features. Because at the end of the day, they are what make people choose you over competitors.

SEO Specialist
Hazel has over 3 years of experience in SEO. She has helped multiple clients in different industries grow their online presence through SEO, content creation and other marketing strategies.

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