
A Beginner's Guide to Mastering B2B Copywriting

Last updated:
April 22, 2024

B2B copywriting seems intimidating at first, but with some knowledge about your audience, the right tools, and a little practice, anyone can get good at this in-demand skill. In this beginner's guide, you'll learn the fundamentals of writing for a B2B audience. Whether you're a freelancer or an in-house writer, you'll gain the skills to create content that generates leads and sales.

What Is B2B Copywriting?

B2B copywriting is all about creating compelling content for business-to-business companies.

Defining B2B Copywriting

B2B copywriting differs from B2C or consumer copywriting in a few key ways. The target audience is completely different—you're writing for other businesses rather than individual buyers.

Your copy also serves a different purpose. Instead of persuading consumers to make a purchase, B2B copy aims to:

  • Generate leads
  • Nurture prospects
  • Build authority and trust
  • Promote products/services to other companies

So the focus is more on educating and informing, not hard-selling.

Difference of B2C Copywriting Vs B2B Copywriting

When it comes to copywriting, there are some key differences between writing for B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) audiences.

Types of B2B Copywriting

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As a B2B copywriter, you may be tasked with writing various materials like:

  • Blog posts. Blog posts for B2B audiences focus on providing useful information that helps educate prospects and build credibility for your brand.
  • Whitepapers. Whitepapers provide in-depth analysis of a specific issue relevant to your target industry. They are meant to establish your expertise on a particular topic.
  • Case studies. Case studies show how your product or service has benefited a customer. They demonstrate real-world results to potential clients.
  • Ebooks. Ebooks provide a comprehensive resource on a narrow topic of interest to your target audience. They serve as a valuable lead magnet.
  • Technical Writing. Technical writing communicates complex information. It includes product documentation, manuals, and specifications.

The goal is to produce copy that speaks directly to your target audience, addresses their pain points, and finally, presenting your solution in a natural way.

Benefits of B2B Copywriting

B2B copywriting boasts several strategic benefits that can significantly impact a business's growth and relationships with other companies. Here are some of the key advantages:

Build Brand Equity

Quality content can position a company as an expert in its field. When a business consistently provides valuable insights through its copy, it builds trust and authority, which is crucial for long-term relationships in the B2B space.

Drive Traffic

Well-written blogs, ebooks, and other content can attract relevant traffic from search engines, bringing in new leads and prospects.

Lead Generation

By creating targeted content that addresses specific problems or needs of businesses, B2B copywriting can attract leads who are more likely to be interested in the product or service, thus increasing the chances of conversion.

Improve Engagement

Engaging content can keep potential clients interested and engaged with a brand, even if they're not currently in the market to buy. This engagement can lead to stronger relationships and future sales.

In summary, B2B copywriting is not just about creating content; it's about crafting a narrative that supports business goals, engages other companies, and drives measurable results.

Key Skills for B2B Copywriters

To become a skilled B2B copywriter, you need:

  • Strong research skills you must fully understand your client's industry, products, competitors, target customers, and goals.
  • Ability to translate complex ideas simply - take complicated concepts and explain them clearly for business readers.
  • Persuasive writing skills - make a compelling case for why your solution is worthwhile.
  • Adaptability - tailor your writing style and tone for different audiences and mediums.

Mastering B2B copywriting takes practice. But helping businesses reach other businesses through content is a fulfilling career.

How to Write Effective B2B Copy

Writing effective B2B copywriting involves a strategic approach that is tailored to the needs, challenges, and decision-making processes of businesses. Here’s how you can craft compelling B2B copy:

Understand Your Audience

When writing B2B copy, you need to intimately understand your target audience. Get into the mindset of your ideal customer and address to their pain points and goals. Do your research on their demographics, challenges, and objections. Learn what motivates them and what worries them the most. With this insight, you can craft messaging that truly resonates.

Focus On Benefits Over Features

Features don't sell, benefits do. Rather than rattling off specifications, focus on how your product or service can make the prospect's life easier. Paint a picture of their world once they have your solution in place. For example, don't just say "Our CRM integrates with your existing systems." Explain how this seamless integration helps sales teams access customer data in real-time, leading to more informed conversations and higher close rates.

Use Industry Jargon Strategically

Some industry terminology is expected and helps establish credibility. But avoid overusing technical language or acronyms that may confuse those outside the field. Define any jargon you use. Also, watch for terms that have become so overused they've lost meaning (“best-in-class”). Use language that feels fresh yet familiar.

Determine Your Brand Voice

Your brand voice is how you communicate your brand's personality through language and tone. It guides how you answer customers. Hypotenuse AI allows you to create a custom AI voices that sound human while accurately reflecting your distinct brand voice, style, and format. To set your brand voice for B2B copywriting:

  • Think about your company's mission, values and personality. What do you want readers to feel when they read your content?
  • Consider who you target and how you want to position your brand to them. Choose an appropriate level of formality.
  • Be consistent. Use similar word choices, a comparable tone, and level of formality across all your marketing materials.

Back-up Claims With Proof

Don’t just make bold claims about what you offer - back them up. B2B buyers are skeptical and data-driven. According to a Demand Gen Report, 92% of B2B buyers are more likely to purchase after reading a trusted review. Include statistics, case studies, testimonials, and specific examples that validate your messaging. Provide enough evidence to support your claims without overwhelming your readers with information.

Optimize for SEO

Integrate relevant keywords naturally to improve search engine visibility. This makes your content more discoverable to those searching for solutions online. Hypotenuse AI's SEO pro mode can seamlessly incorporate your primary keywords into content to help your brand rank easily in search engine results, helping your brand reach your audience and increase conversion.

Tell A Story

Use storytelling to make your brand more relatable. A compelling narrative can illustrate your product's benefits in a way that facts and figures alone cannot.

Test and Refine

Use A/B testing for your copy to see what resonates best with your audience. Analyze performance data to continually refine your approach.

Remember, effective B2B copywriting is not just about selling a product or service; it's about presenting a business solution in a compelling and convincing manner that aligns with the audience's business objectives and needs.

B2B Copywriting Examples from Well-Known Brands

B2B (business-to-business) copywriting often involves creating content that speaks directly to the needs and pain points of other businesses. Here are some examples of compelling B2B copywriting from well-known brands, each with their own unique approach to engaging their business audience:

HubSpot: "Grow better"

By focusing on growth, HubSpot's copy speaks to one of the primary goals of many businesses, while the word "better" implies improvement and quality in their approach.

Slack: "Where work happens"

Slack's simple yet effective tagline conveys that its platform is the central hub for all things work-related, positioning it as an essential tool for business communication.

Mailchimp: "Turn Emails into Revenue"

Mailchimp's straightforward copy highlights the direct benefits of using their services: improved email marketing leads to increased sales.

Shopify: "Making Commerce Better for Everyone"

Shopify helps businesses of all sizes start, run, and grow their operations. Their solutions aim to make every aspect of commerce easier and more efficient, benefiting both merchants and customers.

Salesforce: "Win more deals with the world’s #1 CRM Platform"

Salesforce's tagline focuses on the key benefit their CRM platform can provide businesses: helping them win more deals and close more sales. The positioning as the "world's #1 CRM Platform" reinforces Salesforce's dominance in the market and credibility to deliver on that promise.

Each of these examples uses concise, powerful language to convey a message that not only resonates with its target audience but also reflects the core values and strengths of the brand.


So there you have it - a quick guide to help you get started with B2B copywriting. Remember, the most important thing is understanding your audience and speaking directly to their needs. Do your research, get into their headspace, and craft messaging that resonates. It takes practice, but with persistence, you'll be cranking out high-converting copy in no time. The world of B2B writing can seem complex at first, but break it down step-by-step and you'll gain the skills and confidence to succeed.

SEO Specialist
Hazel has over 3 years of experience in SEO. She has helped multiple clients in different industries grow their online presence through SEO, content creation and other marketing strategies.

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