
10 Social Media Hacks to Take Your Business to the Next Level

Last updated:
June 6, 2024

So you want to grow your business and reach more customers, huh? These days, that means mastering the art of social media. Social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are where your potential customers hang out, scroll, like, and engage with brands. The companies that know how to connect in authentic ways are the ones that build lifelong fans and skyrocket their success.

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, we've got 10 social media hacks that will transform how you market your brand online. Implement just a few of these tips and watch as your followers increase, engagement soars, and new customers come knocking on your digital door. Let's dive in!

The Importance of Social Media for Business Growth

Social media has become crucial for business growth and success. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Reach More Potential Customers. Social media platforms give you access to millions of potential customers. Posting engaging content about your business, products, and services helps raise brand awareness and drives more traffic to your website. The more people that find you on social media, the more potential new customers you’ll have.
  • Build Trust and Loyalty. Being active on social media helps to build familiarity, trust, and loyalty with your audience. Share behind-the-scenes photos and videos, spotlight your team, and engage with followers in the comments. Respond to questions and messages promptly and professionally. Loyal followers often turn into lifelong customers and brand advocates.
  • Drive More Sales. Promoting discounts, coupons, new products, and services on social media is an easy way to drive more sales. Post eye-catching photos, run social media contests and giveaways, and share customer reviews or success stories. Make it easy for followers to click through to your website to make a purchase. Studies show that 70% of people are more likely to buy from a brand they follow on social media.
  • Gain Valuable Insights. Monitoring social media analytics provides valuable insights into your audience and customers. See what content and topics get the most engagement, what people like and don’t like, and what pain points or challenges they may have. Then tailor your social media strategy and offerings accordingly. You can even engage directly with followers to ask questions and get feedback. Social media is a goldmine of market research.

1. Choose the Right Social Platforms for Your Business

Choosing the right social media platforms for your business is key to success. Focus on the channels where your target audience spends the most time.

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash
  • Facebook: With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a must for most businesses. Create a business page to share updates, images, events and more. Build an engaged audience by posting interesting content and running contests and giveaways. Use Facebook Ads to reach new potential customers.
  • Instagram: Instagram is ideal for visual brands and businesses. Post eye-catching photos and short videos to engage your followers. Use relevant hashtags to increase visibility. Collaborate with influencers in your industry for more exposure. Instagram ads and stories are also great ways to drive traffic to your website or latest blog post.
  • LinkedIn: For B2B companies and professional services, LinkedIn is the top network. Build a company page and post updates, blog content and join relevant LinkedIn groups to establish your business as an industry thought leader. Sponsored content and messaging are effective ways to generate leads through LinkedIn.
  • X (formally Twitter): While X has had it's fair share of negative media attention recently, it is still a useful platform for building brand awareness and engaging with customers. Post updates, share blog posts, retweet industry news and engage with followers. Use hashtags to join conversations. Promoted tweets can help you reach more potential followers.
  • YouTube: If video content is part of your marketing strategy, YouTube is essential. Create your own channel and post explainer videos, product demos, customer testimonials and more. Engage viewers with likes, comments and subscriptions. YouTube ads promote your videos to a wider audience.

Choosing two or three social networks to focus on, at least initially, will allow you to build a strong presence and engage with your target customers. You can always expand to other platforms once you’ve established a solid following on your primary channels. The key is to be active and consistent to keep your audience engaged wherever they spend their time online.

2. Implement a Consistent Visual Style

A consistent visual style will help reinforce your brand across platforms. Use the same:

  • Profile photo: Use the same high-quality, branded image on every social profile. This should be your company logo or a headshot of your key spokesperson.
  • Cover photo: Create a custom header or banner image that incorporates your logo and brand colors. Use this same cover photo across platforms.
  • Color palette: Stick to your brand's primary and secondary colors for all imagery and graphics.
  • Font: Choose one or two fonts that match your brand's style and use them consistently in all posts, images and profiles.
  • Graphics: Develop branded graphics like illustrations, icons and images that align with your visual identity. Reuse these across platforms.

Consistent visual cues will signal to followers that all of your social profiles belong to the same brand, helping you build awareness and recognition over time. The more coherent and cohesive your brand presence, the more credibility and trust you will earn with your followers.

3. Develop a Content Calendar for Consistent Posting

Developing a content calendar will help you stay consistent and active on social media. Posting regularly keeps your followers engaged and coming back to your profiles. It also helps you avoid the dreaded “social media blackout” where you disappear from your networks for weeks or months at a time.

A content calendar maps out your posts in advance and keeps you organized. Sit down and plan out posts for the next few weeks or months. Figure out how often you want to post on each network and schedule time to create content. For many businesses, 3-5 posts per week across the major networks is a good rule of thumb.

  • Determine your posting frequency for each network. For example, post 2-3 times per week on Facebook, 2 times per week on Instagram, and 1 time per week on LinkedIn.
  • Create a content mix that includes blog posts, images, video, quotes, tips, news, etc. Don’t just push promotions and sales messages. Provide value to your followers.
  • Use a social media calendar tool like Hootsuite, Sprout Social or Buffer to schedule your posts in advance. This ensures you post consistently even when you’re too busy. You can also reuse evergreen content from your blog and schedule it out months ahead of time.
  • Leave some flexibility in your calendar for spontaneous posts when inspiration strikes or news breaks in your industry. But having a plan for the majority of your posts will make social media management so much easier.

Following a content calendar and posting consistently is one of the most important things you can do to build your social media presence. Staying active and engaged with your followers will lead to more likes, shares, retweets, comments, and conversions. Give it a try— you'll be glad you did!

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4. Create Shareable Content That Feels Relatable

Creating shareable content is key to growing your social media following. People want to connect with brands that share relatable, interesting content. Here are some tips for crafting shareable social media posts:

Keep it light and casual

No one wants to share content that feels like an ad or sales pitch. Share fun facts, behind-the-scenes photos, amusing anecdotes or polls and surveys. This type of casual, lifestyle content will resonate more with your audience.

Inspire or educate

Share inspiring stories of your team or community. Post educational content like how-to's, lists, or infographics. This valuable information is highly shareable. For example, a post on "10 Social Media Hacks Every Business Should Know" would likely be shared widely.

Use eye-catching visuals

Posts with images, graphics, short video clips or GIFs tend to get higher engagement and more shares. Splurge on professional photos when you can, but casual iPhone shots and stock photos can also work great, especially if you jazz them up with an filter or effect.

Include calls-to-action

Give your followers a reason to share by including a call-to-action like "Share if you agree!" or "Tag a friend who would love this!". These prompts make people more likely to spread your content.

Share user-generated content

Your followers will be thrilled if you share the content they've created, like their photos, stories or product reviews. This helps strengthen your connection with them and shows you value their voice and participation in your brand community. Their friends and family will also likely share the post, expanding your reach.

Using these techniques, you can create social media content so relatable, shareable and snackable, your followers won't be able to help themselves from passing it on to their networks. And that's how you take your social media game to the next level!

5. Leveraging Hashtags and Trends

Hashtags and trending topics are a must for any social media marketing strategy. Here are a few hacks to help you make the most of them:

Create your own branded hashtag

Come up with a short, memorable hashtag unique to your business and use it consistently across platforms. This gives your followers a way to track all mentions of your brand and builds recognition over time. For example, a bakery could use #BakesByXYZ or a personal trainer #GetFitWithSam.

Host a hashtag campaign

Launch a social media campaign centered around an original hashtag to increase engagement and user-generated content. For example, run a contest asking followers to post photos with your hashtag for a chance to win a prize. This boosts brand awareness and social proof.

Jump on trending topics and news events

Keep an eye out for trending news stories, holidays, events or topics of interest in your target audience. Post about them in an authentic way using relevant hashtags to tap into the conversation. For example, on National Donut Day, a bakery could post donut photos and use #NationalDonutDay. But avoid seeming like you're exploiting the topic just for publicity.

Track and analyze your hashtag performance

Use a tool like RiteTag, Hashtagify or Hashtag Tracker to see which hashtags are generating the most impressions and engagements for your posts. Drop underperforming tags and double down on the most effective ones. Look for opportunities to combine multiple related tags in a single post to expand your reach.

With some experimenting, you'll discover the hashtag and trending topic formula that works best to spread brand awareness and drive more traffic and engagement on social media. Keep tweaking and optimizing your strategy over time based on the results.

6. Harnessing Influencers and UGC

Influencers and user-generated content (UGC) are two of the most powerful tools for social media marketing. When harnessed effectively, they can take your business to the next level.

Find Relevant Influencers

Seek out influencers in your industry with a highly engaged following. Look for those with a genuine passion for your brand and products. Offer to send them free samples or exclusive discounts in exchange for an honest review. Their authentic endorsement will go a long way.

Repost Valuable UGC

Your own followers and customers are one of your best resources. Repost their organic social media posts about your business. Ask their permission first, then share their photos, tweets, blog posts or video reviews on your social platforms. This provides social proof that real people love your brand.

Be Active in The Conversation

Search for mentions of your business on social media and engage with people. Thank them for the shout out, answer their questions and join in on the conversation. Also, like and comment on influencer and follower posts. Show you're listening and appreciate them. Building these relationships will make them more inclined to continue promoting your brand.

Feature Their Content

Make influencers and followers feel special by featuring their social media posts on your own profiles. Share their photos, product reviews or videos on Facebook, Instagram and other platforms. Mention them by name and thank them for the content. This recognition motivates them to continue engaging with and endorsing your brand.

7. Running Effective Contests and Giveaways

Running social media contests and giveaways is a great way to increase engagement and gain new followers on your channels. Here are some tips to run an effective contest:

Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash

Set clear rules

Explain exactly how to enter and win the contest. Include details like how to enter (comment, like, share), when the contest starts and ends, who is eligible to win, and how the winner will be chosen (randomly, by judges, most likes, etc.). The easier you make it to understand the rules, the more people will engage with your contest.

Promote the contest

Spread the word about your contest on all your social media channels and email list. Create eye-catching graphics and share updates to keep people engaged. Tag influencers and media outlets in your posts and ask them to help promote the contest to their audiences as well.

Keep the contest short

The ideal contest length is 3 to 7 days. Any shorter and you won’t generate much buzz or participation. Any longer and people may lose interest before the contest ends. During the contest period, post regular updates and reminders about the contest to keep it top of mind for your followers.

Announce and congratulate the winner

Once the contest ends, announce the winner on all your social media channels. Tag the winner in your posts and congratulate them publicly. This shows your followers that the contest was legitimate and makes the winner feel special. The winner will likely share the news with their networks as well, giving you more exposure.

8. Using Paid Ads to Amplify Your Reach

Paid social media ads are one of the best ways to amplify your reach and get in front of new potential customers. When you boost your posts or run dedicated ad campaigns, you're putting your content and brand in front of people who don't already follow you. This exposes you to new audiences and helps you gain new followers.

Target your ideal customer

The key is to target your ads to your ideal customer. All the major social networks offer detailed targeting options based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. You can target by age, location, job title, interests, and pages they've liked. The more specific you can get with your targeting, the better. Don't just target everyone interested in "social media"—target people interested in social media marketing, content creation, influencer marketing, and so on.

A/B test your ads

Creating multiple ads for the same campaign and A/B testing them is one of the best ways to optimize your results. You might test different images, headlines, calls-to-action or ad copy. See which variation gets the best engagement and clicks, then focus your budget on the top-performing ads. Even small changes can lead to big differences in results.

Start with a small budget

When you're first starting out with paid social ads, begin with a small budget, like $5 to $10 a day. This allows you to test the waters, see how your ads perform, and make tweaks before investing a larger budget. Once you've found ads that resonate and generate a good ROI, you can scale up your budget to reach more people.

Track and optimize

The key to success with paid social ads is tracking how your ads perform and optimizing based on the results. All the major networks provide analytics to show you stats like impressions, reach, clicks, click-through rate, and cost per click. Check your stats regularly and look for ways to improve poor-performing ads. Make changes to your target audience, creative, or copy and your results should start to improve over time.

With regular optimization and testing, paid social media ads can become one of your most effective tools for growing your business and reaching new audiences. Start small, learn as you go, and stick with what works!

9. Analyzing Your Performance With Insights

Analyzing your social media insights and metrics is key to understanding what’s working and not working for your brand. Regularly checking your performance data will allow you to make informed decisions to improve your content strategy.

Engagement Metrics

Engagement shows how people are interacting with your content. Analyze metrics like likes, comments, shares and click-throughs. Posts with high engagement are resonating with your audience, so produce more of the same. Low engagement could signal content that’s uninteresting or irrelevant to your followers. Try mixing up topics, media types and post frequency to boost engagement.

Post Insights

Check how each individual post performed. See which posts received the most impressions, engagements and social shares. Look for common themes among your top performers and replicate them. See if underperforming posts share any qualities—like poor photo quality, lengthy text, or posted at an off-peak time—so you can avoid those in the future.

Best Times to Post

Most social platforms provide data showing when your followers are most active and engaged. Post during peak hours for maximum visibility and engagement. If you notice certain days of the week or times of day receive little activity, avoid posting then. Scheduling tools can automate posting at the best times so you don’t have to.

Audience Insights

Demographic info like age, gender, location and interests of your followers can guide your content and messaging. See if your audience skews male or female, falls within a certain age range, or shares common interests. Tailor posts to your audience’s preferences and adjust as their attributes change over time. Analytics provide a glimpse into who your real followers are so you can better serve them.

10. Leverage AI to Write Creative Posts

Leveraging AI to generate social media content is a gae changer. Rather than spending hours crafting posts and captions, you can use AI tools to do the heavy lifting. This allows you to focus your efforts on engagement and community building.

Generate Captions and Short Posts

AI tools like Hypotenuse AI can analyze your brand voice and generate captions and short social media posts tailored to your business. They leverage machine learning to study thousands of examples of successful social media content in your industry and niche. The AI then generates new captions and posts in a style similar to your own brand messaging.

All you have to do is review the options, pick your favorites, and schedule them to post. This can save you 3-5 hours a week of planning and writing captions. More time to engage with your followers and build key relationships.

Scale Your Content

For larger social media teams, Hypotenuse AI can generate high volumes of posts at scale. Review the options in batches and schedule your favorite posts in advance. This makes it possible to significantly increase the amount of content you publish each week without increasing workloads.

More frequent posting, especially on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, has been shown to boost engagement and reach. Hypotenuse AI enables you to keep up with the increasing pace of social media without sacrificing quality or brand consistency.

Leveraging AI for social media content creation is a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. It allows you to save time, generate better ideas, improve content quality and scale your efforts. Rather than replacing human creativity, AI enhances it by taking over the tedious and repetitive parts of content planning and writing. The result? A social media presence that resonates and a team with the bandwidth to focus on community building.

10 Social Media Hacks for Business FAQs

Social media platforms are constantly changing, so keeping up with the latest hacks and tips can feel overwhelming. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about social media for business:

What are some quick ways to improve my social media presence?

A few easy hacks to step up your social media game:

  • Optimize your profiles with a consistent photo and complete bio on each platform. Include your website and contact info.
  • Post and engage regularly. Aim for at least 2-3 social posts per week and respond to comments and messages promptly. Staying active and consistent is key.
  • Use hashtags to increase visibility. Check what hashtags your competitors and industry leaders are using and incorporate some of the most popular ones into your posts.
  • Tag influencers and media outlets to try and get featured. Do some research to find influencers and media channels in your industry and location. Tag them in posts you think they may be interested in featuring or sharing.
  • Run social media contests and giveaways to increase engagement. Post contests around holidays or milestones and offer prizes like free products, discounts or gift cards. Contests are an easy way to gain new followers and get current followers more active on your profiles.

How do I create an engaging social media content strategy?

To develop a solid social media content strategy:

  • Focus on your target audience and their needs. Share a mix of content that informs, educates, entertains or inspires your followers. Posts should reflect your brand voice and key messaging.
  • Plan and schedule content in advance. Map out themes, content types and platforms for each week and month. Having a plan will make it easier to stay consistent and active.
  • Include a variety of content types like blog posts, photos, videos, stories and livestreams. Keep things interesting by posting different types of media.
  • Use tools to help streamline your efforts like Hypotenuse AI. This makes it easy to create engaging social media content at scale.
  • Review and optimize your strategy regularly based on your key metrics and insights. See what’s working and make changes to improve your impact and results.

Social media for business doesn’t have to be complicated. Start with these tips and hacks, then refine and build from there. Consistency and quality over quantity will set you up for social media success.


The ball is in your court. You now have 10 powerful social media hacks to implement and take your business to the next level. Start experimenting with different content types, posting schedules, influencer collaborations and social listening tools. See what resonates most with your audience and gets the best engagement and results. Keep optimizing and improving over time. The key is to just get started. Pick one or two hacks to focus on and go from there. Don't get overwhelmed by trying to do everything at once. With consistency and persistence, these social media growth hacks will pay off and help skyrocket your business!

Content Writer
Alex is a seasoned writer responsible for creating valuable, well-researched content for various industries like tech and ecommerce.

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