Content writing

Content Automation: Your Go-To Guide on Automating Content

Last updated:
June 19, 2024

In today's digital age, content is king. Creating high-quality content consistently can be a daunting task, especially for businesses and individuals with limited time and resources. This is where content automation comes in.

In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to start automating your content creation.

What is content automation?

Content automation refers to the process of automatically generating, optimizing, and distributing content.

Why should you care about content automation? Because it can make your content marketing efforts more efficient and effective.

It allows you to scale your content production and reach more people, without needing a huge content team or budget.

Why content automation is important?

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Content automation allows you to scale your content creation efforts.

As a business owner, time is a precious resource. Creating new content consistently can be challenging when you're busy running the day-to-day operations of your business.

As a content creator, you likely already know how time-consuming and tedious creating content can be. Whether it's blog posts, social media posts, or emails, producing a constant stream of engaging content requires a major time commitment.

Automating parts of your content creation process eliminates the repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing you up to focus on the strategic, creative work. This makes scaling your content efforts actually feasible.

The benefits of content automation

Automating your content creation and distribution processes has many advantages. Let's explore some of the key benefits:

  • Increased content volume. You can produce more content in less time using automation tools and templates. This means you can publish more frequently and at scale.
  • Optimized content. Automation tools can help you optimize your content for search engines and readers. Things like keyword targeting, readability scoring, and content repurposing are easier with automation.
  • Streamlined workflows. Automating parts of the content process, especially the repetitive ones, like formatting, editing, and distributing content, saves you time and effort. This allows you to focus on the creative parts of content creation.
  • Consistent quality. Using templates and automation, you can ensure all your content meets your quality and branding standards. This results in a consistent experience for your readers and followers.
  • Expanded reach. Automated content distribution, including social sharing and email newsletters, makes it easy to get your content in front of more people. This can lead to increased traffic, subscribers, and customers.

Types of content that can be automated

When it comes to content automation, many types of content can benefit from automation. Some of the major types include:

Blog posts

Blog posts are a great example of content that can and should be automated given the amount of time that usually goes into each article. You can automate the research, outline, draft, editing, and publishing of blog posts with tools like Hypotenuse AI Writer.

Social media posts

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are ideal for automation. You can automatically generate and schedule social media posts to promote your latest blog posts, share curated content, engage with your followers through interactive posts for social media, and more. Social media post automation allows you to keep your profiles active even when you're too busy to post manually.

Email newsletters

Email newsletters are a key way to stay in touch with your subscribers and promote your business. However writing, designing, and sending newsletters can be time-consuming. Using automation, you can generate newsletter content, design beautiful email templates, and automatically send your newsletters on the schedule you choose.

Landing pages

Landing pages are essential for capturing leads and selling products, but creating landing pages from scratch requires a major time investment. With landing page automation, you can generate customized landing pages, populate them with content, and optimize them for the best conversion rates.

Product descriptions

If you sell products on your website or another ecommerce platform, you need compelling product descriptions to inform and entice your customers. However, writing unique descriptions for each product you sell is tedious and difficult to scale. Using product description automation, you can generate customized descriptions for all your products that highlight the most important details and features.

In summary, content automation has the potential to save you an enormous amount of time while still producing high-quality content that resonates with your audience. By automating these types of content, you can scale your content creation efforts and focus your time on the work only humans can do.

Content automation tools and software

When it comes to automating your content, there are several tools and software options available to help streamline the process. Here are some of the top choices:

Hypotenuse AI

Hypotenuse AI is a content writing platform that uses AI to generate high-quality content at scale. Hypotenuse AI can generate a range of content types like blog posts, product descriptions, email newsletters, social media posts, and more. Hypotenuse AI's bulk generator lets you create a large number of content at once. You can specify the topic, keywords, and other details by uploading a CSV file.


Zapier is an automation tool that connects your favorite apps and services to automate your work. Zapier is instrumental in content automation due to its ability to connect and automate workflows across over 6,000+ apps. You can create “Zaps” to automatically post blog content to social media, turn online course sales into email sequences, update project management software when tasks are completed, and more.


Buffer is a social media management tool that offers content automation features. You can connect your blog or website to Buffer and automatically schedule and publish social posts when you release new content. Their tool also provides suggested content to re-share, monitors your social engagement, and analyzes your top-performing posts.


Hootsuite is a popular social media management platform that enables content automation. It streamlines your social media marketing efforts, allowing you to manage your social accounts from one place.

With the right tools and software in place, you can automate a significant portion of your content marketing efforts.

Start by picking one or two options to integrate with your most important content sources or social platforms. As you become familiar with automating your content, you can continue adding additional tools and connections to save time. The key is finding the balance of human and automated interaction that works best for your content goals.

Creating an automated content strategy

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A good automated content strategy will save you time and optimize your content production. To get started with your own strategy, here are some steps to follow:

Focus on your goals. Determine what you want to achieve with your automated content. Do you want to increase traffic, build authority, or generate leads? Define your key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success.

Choose your content types. Select 2-3 types of evergreen content that you can automate, such as blog posts, social media posts, or emails. Start with one content type, implement the automation, then move on to the next type.

Create templates. Build templates for each content type that include headings, formatting, images, calls-to-action, and any recurring elements. Leave blank spaces for the automated content to fill in.

Set a content calendar. Decide how often you want to distribute each content type and map it out on a calendar. For example, you may post 2 blog posts per week, 3 social media posts per day, and send a weekly email newsletter.

Find tools to help. Use tools like content creation software, social media management platforms, and email marketing services to automate content distribution. Many offer features to schedule and automatically post content.

Generate the content. Now it’s time to produce the automated content to populate your templates and content calendar. Options include:

  • Curating content from other sources like news sites, blogs, or podcasts. Cite and link back to the original sources.
  • Rewriting or reorganizing existing content in a new way. Refresh old blog posts or combine several related posts into an ebook.
  • Using AI to generate new content from scratch. AI tools can write blog posts, social media posts, and product descriptions depending on your input.

Review and optimize. Check on your automated content strategy regularly to make sure you're achieving your goals. Look for ways to improve content quality, increase distribution, drive more traffic, and boost engagement or conversions. Make changes as needed to keep optimizing the results.

Measuring the results of automated content

Once you have your automated content strategy up and running, it’s important to measure how it’s performing to determine if it’s achieving your goals. Some key metrics to track include:

  • Traffic and engagement: Look at metrics like page views, time on page, and bounce rate to see if people are finding and engaging with your automated content. If traffic is low or bounce rates are high, you may need to optimize your content further.
  • Leads and conversions: For content aimed at driving conversions, track how many leads or sales are generated from your automated content. This shows if your content is resonating with readers and compelling them to take action. If conversions are low, review your content and call to action to make improvements.
  • Backlinks and social shares: For content focused on building authority and reach, track how many backlinks, social shares, likes, and reposts your automated content is receiving. Strong numbers here indicate your content is seen as valuable and shareable by others.
  • SEO rankings: Monitor how your automated content impacts your search rankings for target keywords. Improved rankings suggest your content is helping to strengthen your authority and relevance in search results.

The key to getting the most from content automation is to constantly review, optimize, and refine. Make incremental changes and tweaks to topics, keywords, formatting, CTAs, and distribution to improve performance over time. Small wins and steady progress will demonstrate the power of automated content and motivate you to expand your efforts.

How to automate content with Hypotenuse AI

Hypotenuse AI is an AI content writing tool that can help automate different types of content for your marketing strategy. Here are some ways you can use our tool to generate automated content:

  • Generate blog posts. Hypotenuse AI can produce unique and SEO-optimized blog posts on any topic based on the description and keywords you provide. Hypotenuse AI's SEO AI writer can help you with creating outlines based on SERP/PAAs, keyword targeting, optimizing these on-page elements, and improving SEO scores.
  • Create social media posts. Hypotenuse AI can generate interesting, shareable social media updates for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You can do this from scratch, or from the blog article you just created.
  • Automate product descriptions. Hypotenuse AI can write compelling product descriptions for your products and ecommerce sites.
  • Customize brand voice. Hypotenuse AI allows you to provide your brand style guide and past examples of your desired brand tone. Our AI model analyzes those examples to understand your unique voice, personality, and style.

These are just a few things it can do. Our AI tool can produce unique, readable content at scale while maintaining a consistent voice and tone that matches your brand. You can then review the automated text, make any needed edits, and deploy the content as planned.

How do I get started with content automation?

The best way to get started is to look for opportunities to automate repetitive, mundane tasks. This could be using a tool to help schedule and post social media updates, or using an AI writing assistant to draft blog post outlines.

Start with one tool or process at a time, and gradually scale from there as you get more comfortable. The key is not to automate everything at once but to find the right balance between human effort and automation.

Once you get the hang of it and see the time-saving benefits, you'll be automating all your content in no time. By taking these steps now, you'll set yourself up to scale your content and reach new audiences.

SEO Specialist
Hazel has over 3 years of experience in SEO. She has helped multiple clients in different industries grow their online presence through SEO, content creation and other marketing strategies.

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