
AI Tools for Ecommerce 2024: How to Choose & Where to Start

Last updated:
July 26, 2024

There are so many ways to leverage AI and plenty of AI tools for ecommerce in 2024—where do you begin?

In this guide, we'll walk through the top AI tools for ecommerce in the market right now, how to choose the best options for your unique needs, and how you can start implementing them to save time and sell more in 2024.

Benefits of using AI Tools for Ecommerce in 2024

Personalized Customer Experiences

Before AI, we grouped users based on their attributes and behaviors, we tailored our messaging to each group of users, and feature offers to the ones we think might convert.

There were only so many segments and messaging we could manage.

AI tools today have powerful data analysis capabilities that can help us segment users in a more granular manner to boost our ecommerce merchandising strategies. They can analyze what they prefer based on large data sets and deliver the right messaging and offers when the time is right.

Imagine an AI tool that dynamically adjusts your website for each visitor based on their browsing behavior, location, and purchase history. Product recommendations become hyper-relevant and users are more likely to convert.

Optimized Marketing Strategies

AI provides deep insights into customer data, allowing you to optimize marketing campaigns for maximum impact.

Instead of blasting generic promotions, you can run predictive, data-driven campaigns tailored to each segment.

With AI, you could automatically retarget cart abandoners with personalized discounts or send replenishment reminders when customers are due for a repeat purchase. Your marketing becomes smarter and more effective.

Streamlined Business Operations

Beyond customer-facing functions, AI streamlines backend operations like logistics, inventory management, and fraud detection.

Intelligent forecasting helps optimize inventory levels across warehouses. There's less need for someone to analyze past data to decide how much inventory to bring in and when to stock up.

AI could also flag suspicious orders in real-time, protecting your business from fraud.

This helps you save a lot of time, human resources and money.

Scalable Growth Potential

Many ecommerce AI tools provide ready-to-use assets like popup templates, playbooks, and seasonal designs. Small teams can leverage these so you don't have to build anything from scratch.

And as your business grows, AI tools can scale seamlessly. You can start automating the repetitive parts of your business, like answering similar questions via chatbots.

Or you can use analytics to provide rich personalization for each of the thousands and millions of customers you have.

With AI, you also don't have to hire as you scale—no training and retraining each newcomer.

To conclude, AI helps ecommerce businesses gain a competitive edge through data-driven strategies, operational efficiencies, and scalable personalization—all contributing to higher sales and customer satisfaction.

How to Identify AI Needs in your Ecommerce Business?

Pinpoint Key Business Goals

The first step is to pinpoint your core business goals and challenges. Where exactly are you looking to improve efficiency, boost sales, or enhance customer experiences?

For example, are you struggling with inventory management, looking to offer better product recommendations, or aiming to improve customer service response times? Jot down these goals, don't limit yourself at this point.

Map Out Potential AI Use Cases

Next, brainstorm the potential use cases where AI could lend a hand for each of these goals. Examples include:

  • Personalize product recommendations with AI-powered data analytics
  • Optimize inventory management with predictive analytics
  • Improve customer service response time by automating it with chatbots
  • Reduce instances of fraud with fraud detection and security monitoring
  • Increase conversion rates by enhancing search and product discovery

As BigCommerce suggests, data mining and machine learning can streamline inventory, forecast trends, optimize interactions, and automate logistics.

Prioritize Based on Impact

With a list of potential use cases, prioritize them based on estimated business impact. Which areas have the biggest potential upside in achieving your goals?

Perhaps better product recommendations could significantly boost conversions and average order value.

Or maybe a conversational AI assistant could slash customer service costs while delivering faster, 24/7 support.

Rank your use cases and start with the highest impact opportunities.

Assess Data & Tech Readiness

AI is only as good as the data powering it. Assess if you have sufficient, high-quality data for training AI models in your prioritized use cases. You may need to integrate data sources or cleanse datasets.

Also, evaluate your technical capabilities—both infrastructure and employee skills.

Do you have the computing power, integration APIs, and internal expertise to successfully deploy AI at scale? GoDadaFeed recommends tools like AiTrillion, Granify and Visenze that can ease AI adoption.

By methodically identifying needs, use cases, priorities and readiness, you'll be equipped to strategically implement AI and reap its rewards for your ecommerce business.

What to Look for in AI Tools for Ecommerce

With AI tools rapidly evolving, it's crucial to choose ones that genuinely enhance your ecommerce business. Here are some key factors to consider:

Streamlined Workflows & Automation

The best AI tools should simplify and automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for higher-value work. Look for features like:

  • AI writing assistants to generate product descriptions, ads, and marketing copy with a few prompts. This can significantly boost content output.
  • Project management capabilities to automate task creation, optimize workflows, and provide smart recommendations based on data analysis.
  • Customer segmentation based on behavior and preferences to enable personalized marketing campaigns.

Boosting Sales & Customer Engagement

Beyond streamlining operations, top AI tools should directly drive sales and delight customers through capabilities like:

  • Visual search and virtual try-ons to enhance product discovery and decision-making.
  • Personalized product recommendations based on customer data to increase average order value.
  • AI chatbots providing instant support by answering common queries around the clock.

These engaging features can substantially boost customer engagement and conversions.

User-Friendly & Scalable

When evaluating options, ensure the AI tool is intuitive for your team and integrates seamlessly with existing systems. It should:

  • Provide effortless onboarding and training resources.
  • Scale easily as your business grows, preventing future migration headaches.
  • Allow feedback and suggestions to continuously improve functionality.

The best AI assistants for ecommerce balance powerful capabilities with a user-friendly experience adaptable to your needs and current workflows.

Top 16 AI Tools to Drive More Sales

Ready to skyrocket your ecommerce revenue? Harness the power of AI with these top tools designed to boost sales and propel your business into the future.

AI Tools for Marketing Content

Hypotenuse AI

Struggling to find the right words? Enter Hypotenuse AI—an AI content writing platform that can whip up persuasive, high-converting ecommerce content in a flash. From SEO-optimized blog articles to compelling product descriptions to social media content and many more, this tool has got your back.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Hypotenuse AI:

  • Bulk workflows that integrate with your current ones: You can create content for 1000s of high quality PDP and PLP at one go, import and export however you want, and integrate it with your PIM or CMS.
  • Content written in your brand voice: Hypotenuse AI's bespoke AI models get trained on your past writings and brand guides to write like how you sound, and mimic the way you slang, format and punctuate.
  • SEO-optimized content: The platform takes into account your primary keywords to generate PDP and PLP that are SEO-optimized. You can also use their SEO pro mode to create blog articles that rank on search engines.


Pictory transforms your written content and images into eye-catching visuals and videos. This includes turning scripts and blog posts into engaging videos with auto-captioning, voiceover and background music tracks.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Pictory:

  • Ability to directly convert your existing content into engaging videos: You can turn your existing product descriptions, blog posts and user guides into dynamic video content.
  • AI-generated voiceovers in 29 languages: If you're targeting a global market, you can add a professional-sounding voiceover without hiring voice actors, making it easier to scale.
  • Custom branding elements: Pictory allows you to easily add your logos, brand colors and fonts. This is crucial for ecommerce businesses to to maintain consistent branding across all your video content.

AI Tools for Personalized Shopping Experience

Dynamic Yield

Dynamic Yield is an AI-powered platform that helps businesses deliver hyper-personalized experiences across channels, including web, app and emails. With Dynamic Yield, you can create dynamic content and messaging tailored to each individual customer's preferences and behavior.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Dynamic Yield:

  • Unified customer view: This comprehensive view enables the delivery of consistent and personalized experiences across web, apps, email, and other digital channels, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and higher conversion rates
  • A/B testing and optimization: You can optimize your content, communications and user journeys across web, apps, emails and any connected device. This includes layouts, images, CTA buttons and personalized content recommendations.
  • Predictive Targeting: Dynamic Yield can personalize the entire customer journey. This includes changing the appearance of homepages, menu items, and product recommendations based on individual customer behavior, which can significantly enhance the user experience and drive sales


Blueshift is an AI-powered marketing automation tool that specializes in cross-channel customer engagement. The platform unifies and activates customer data in real-time so you can create more personalized and effective marketing campaigns across various channels such as email, SMS, in-app messages and more.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Blueshift:

  • Hyper-personalized customer engagement: By analyzing individual customer behavior and the behavior of similar customers, it can deliver tailored product recommendations and content across all engagement channels.
  • Cross-channel marketing automation: With Blueshift, ecommerce businesses can automate campaigns across multiple channels, ensuring consistent and timely messaging. The platform's AI optimizes send times and channels based on customer data.
  • Data-driven decision making: Blueshift provides advanced reporting and analytics that enable marketers to optimize their campaigns using in-depth insights into customer interactions and preferences.

AI Tools for Customer Support


Intercom is a customer service platform powered by AI. With Intercom, you can provide instant and accurate responses 24/7 and manage communications across multiple channels seamlessly. Plus, its analytics provide valuable insights to continuously enhance the customer journey.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Intercom:

  • Enhanced customer support: Intercom's live chat and AI-powered chatbots allows you to provide instant support to customers, reducing wait times and improving overall satisfaction.
  • Personalized Customer Engagement: With Intercom, ecommerce businesses can send targeted messages and automated emails based on customer behavior and data.
  • Comprehensive Analytics and Insights: Intercom offers detailed analytics and reporting features that allow businesses to track customer interactions, measure the performance of campaigns, and gain insights into customer behavior.


Gorgias is a customer service platform specifically designed for ecommerce businesses. It centralizes customer interactions from various channels like email, live chat, and social media into a single dashboard, enabling support teams to provide efficient and personalized customer service.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Gorgias:

  • Streamlined customer support: Gorgias consolidates customer communications from multiple channels into one platform. This makes it easier to manage and respond, as well as stay consistent with your support messaging.
  • Ecommerce integration and automation: Gorgias has deep integrations with ecommerce platforms like Shopify, which enables support agents to view customer order history, track shipments, and perform actions such as refunds directly from the support ticket.
  • Data-driven insights and reporting: Gorgias provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that offer insights into support team performance, customer satisfaction, and the impact of customer service on sales.

AI Tools for Demand Forecasting


DataRobot is an advanced AI platform that helps ecommerce businesses predict future customer demand. It does this by using historical sales data and machine learning algorithms to create accurate forecasts of how much of each product will be needed in the future.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider DataRobot:

  • Automated Machine Learning (AutoML): DataRobot automates the process of creating predictive models, which means you don't need to be a data scientist to forecast demand.
  • Accurate demand predictions: DataRobot provides specialized tools and algorithms for accurate demand prediction. It supports features like automatic detection of seasonality, holiday effects, and other temporal dependencies.
  • Scalability and flexibility: With DataRobot, businesses can scale their demand forecasting efforts to accommodate a wide range of products and geographical locations. This makes it easier to implement and adapt to changing business needs.

Blue Yonder

Blue Yonder offers demand forecasting solutions tailored for retail and ecommerce. The platform uses AI to analyze factors that influence customer demand such as seasonal trends, promotions, and market changes. This helps ensure that you can meet demand without having excess.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Blue Yonder:

  • AI/ML-Driven Forecasting: Blue Yonder uses patented algorithms to analyze historical data and identify demand patterns. This allows for more accurate and dynamic demand forecasts, which can adapt to changing market conditions and consumer behaviors.
  • Collaborative demand management: Blue Yonder facilitates collaboration across different departments and stakeholders, integrating inputs from sales, marketing, and supply chain teams so there's a comprehensive view.
  • End-to-end supply chain optimization: Beyond demand forecasting, Blue Yonder offers a range of solutions for inventory optimization, replenishment, and supply chain execution. This holistic approach leads to improved efficiency and cost savings.

AI Tools for Fraud Detection


Forter is a comprehensive fraud prevention platform that specializes in providing real-time, automated fraud protection services for ecommerce businesses. By leveraging a vast network of online retailers and advanced machine learning technology, Forter offers accurate and instant assessments of trustworthiness across every step of the buying journey, from pre-purchase to checkout to post-purchase.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Forter:

  • Real-time decision making: Forter's Decision Engine, powered by a vast dataset, makes instant assessments of trust at checkout, significantly reducing chargebacks and false declines.
  • Scalability and market adaptability: Forter's technology enables businesses to scale seamlessly to meet demand bursts and accommodate growth without additional resources, ensuring competitiveness and the ability to enter new markets confidently.
  • Comprehensive fraud protection: Forter offers a holistic platform that covers various aspects of fraud prevention, including payment protection, account protection, and policy abuse protection, streamlining e-commerce fraud prevention strategies.


Kount is an AI-driven platform that provides comprehensive fraud protection and identity verification solutions. Kount helps online retailers accurately detect and prevent fraudulent transactions, safeguarding their operations and enhancing customer trust.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Kount:

  • Versatile fraud prevention: Kount provides a complete suite of tools for managing fraud and chargebacks, including criminal fraud prevention, chargeback reduction, and friendly fraud management, all in one platform.
  • Advanced identity verification: Utilizing hundreds of data points, Kount builds personal profiles to fully understand customer interactions, enabling businesses to engage the right customers at the right time with secure experiences.
  • Regulatory compliance: Kount simplifies compliance with industry rules and government regulations, ensuring businesses meet expectations for AML, KYC, sanctions, embargos, and more, efficiently and with minimal friction for end-users.

AI Tools for Pricing


PROS is a dynamic pricing software that leverages AI to help ecommerce businesses optimize their pricing strategies in real-time. By analyzing market demand, competitor prices, and customer behavior, PROS enables online retailers to adjust prices dynamically, maximizing profitability and competitiveness.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider PROS:

  • Dynamic pricing: PROS allows businesses to implement flexible pricing strategies that adapt to market conditions, helping you stay competitive and increase sales.
  • Customer insights: By leveraging AI to analyze customer data, PROS helps e-commerce sites understand buying behaviors and price sensitivity, enabling more targeted and effective pricing strategies.
  • Revenue optimization: PROS' sophisticated algorithms help e-commerce businesses find the optimal balance between demand and pricing, driving revenue growth and improving overall business performance.


Prisync is a competitor price tracking and automatic repricing engine that is ideal for businesses of any size in the e-commerce industry. It allows retailers to monitor competitor prices and stock availability, providing them with the insights needed to adjust their own pricing strategies dynamically.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Prisync:

  1. Competitive price monitoring: Prisync enables e-commerce businesses to track competitor pricing in real-time, ensuring they can stay competitive by making informed pricing decisions.
  2. Automatic repricing: With Prisync's automatic repricing feature, e-commerce businesses can adjust their prices based on predefined rules, saving time and maximizing profitability.
  3. Market insights: Prisync provides valuable insights into market trends and competitor strategies, helping e-commerce businesses to optimize their pricing and improve their market position.

AI Tools for Search


Syte is a visual search and product discovery platform designed for the retail and ecommerce sectors. By using visual AI, Syte enhances the online shopping experience, allowing customers to find products quickly and intuitively, which can significantly increase engagement and sales for e-commerce businesses.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Syte:

  • Improved product discovery: Syte's visual search capabilities make it easier for customers to discover products they love, reducing search time and improving satisfaction.
  • Personalized shopping experiences: By understanding individual customer preferences, Syte delivers personalized product recommendations, increasing the likelihood of purchase and customer loyalty.
  • Increased conversion rates: With faster and more accurate product discovery, Syte helps ecommerce businesses improve their website's usability, leading to higher conversion rates and average order values.


Algolia is a SaaS platform widely recognized as a powerful and flexible search and discovery API designed for businesses. Algolia enables users to quickly find the most relevant information through fast and relevant search functionalities.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Algolia:

  • Fast and relevant search: Algolia provides instant search results, significantly improving the user experience on e-commerce platforms and other websites.
  • Customizable search experience: Businesses can tailor Algolia's search algorithms to meet their specific needs, ensuring that customers always find what they're looking for.
  • Scalability: Algolia is designed to scale with a business, handling large volumes of search queries without compromising performance.

AI Tools for Translation


Weglot is a translation solution that simplifies website translation, making content accessible in multiple languages. It offers an easy-to-use platform that automatically detects and translates content, enhancing global reach and user experience.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider Weglot:

  • Integrations with CMS and ecommerce solutions: Weglot's straightforward integration process allows websites to become multilingual quickly, without the need for extensive technical knowledge.
  • Automatic content detection and translation: Weglot automatically detects website content and translates it into the desired languages, which means you don't have to think about translating your PDP each time you creat one.
  • SEO optimization: Weglot ensures that translated content is optimized for search engines. This improves the visibility of your product pages in different markets.


DeepL is a translation service known for its high-quality and contextually accurate translations. Leveraging advanced AI, DeepL offers translations in several languages, providing a valuable tool for businesses looking to communicate effectively in the global market.

Why ecommerce businesses should consider DeepL:

  • High-quality translations: DeepL's translations are often considered superior in quality to other machine translation services, capturing nuances and context more effectively.
  • Wide range of languages: DeepL supports a broad selection of languages, making it a versatile tool for businesses operating internationally.
  • Integration capabilities: DeepL can be integrated into workflows and applications, allowing for seamless translation processes within business operations.

How to Implement AI Tools in Your Online Store?

Identify Your Goals First

Before diving into implementing AI tools, take a step back and clearly define your business goals. Do you want to boost sales, enhance customer experience, streamline operations, or all of the above? Having specific objectives will help you choose the right AI solutions and measure their success.

Conduct a Tech Audit

Next, assess your current technology stack and capabilities. Identify areas where AI can fill gaps or enhance existing processes. This will give you a clear roadmap for integrating AI tools seamlessly into your ecommerce operations.

Choose Relevant AI Tools

With your goals and tech audit in hand, it's time to explore AI solutions tailored to your needs. Here are some popular options:

  • Chatbots & Virtual Assistants: Provide 24/7 support using AI-powered chatbots to answer common queries, freeing up staff for complex issues.
  • Recommendation Engines: Leverage AI to analyze customer data and suggest relevant products, boosting average order value.
  • Computer Vision: Use image recognition to auto-tag products, improving search and discovery.
  • Customer Analytics: Gain insights into browsing patterns to create targeted marketing campaigns.

Start Small & Monitor Results

Don't try to implement every AI tool at once. Begin with a pilot program focused on one or two high-impact use cases. This allows you to test, refine, and ensure the solutions deliver intended results before scaling up.

Continuously monitor key metrics to measure the performance of your AI tools. Make adjustments as needed to optimize for maximum benefit.

Educate & Get Employee Buy-In

Change can be daunting, so get internal champions on board early. Educate employees on how AI will enhance their roles. With their support, you'll have a smoother implementation process.

Implementing AI may seem intimidating, but by taking a strategic, phased approach, you can reap the benefits while ensuring a seamless transition. The key is finding the right balance of AI tools to elevate your unique business needs.


So that's the scoop on AI tools for ecommerce in 2024. The key is finding the right solutions tailored to your business needs and goals.

Don't get bogged down trying to evaluate every tool and AI possibility out there. Focus on a few core areas to move the needle, like personalized search and recommendations, automated marketing, or inventory and pricing optimization.

Remember, technology alone isn't the answer—you've got to marry it to strategy and your existing operations. But applied wisely, AI can take your ecommerce business to the next level.

Sushi has years of experience driving growth across ecommerce, tech and education. She gets excited about growth strategy and diving deep into channels like content, SEO and paid marketing. Most importantly, she enjoys good food and an excellent cup of coffee.

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