Article Headline Generator

Generate compelling headlines instantly.

Brainstorm hundreds of headline and title ideas with just a few inputs.

Headline generator

Add details below to generate a headline with AI.

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Trusted by 500,000+ marketers

How to use our headline generator

Headline generators are a great way to come up with headlines that are both clever and attention-grabbing. They're easy to use and can help you come up with headlines that are more creative than if you were to just sit and brainstorm on your own.

Trained on an extensive data set by professional copywriters and high-conversion  titles, our AI writes eye-catching and relevant titles that are sure to leave a strong first impression and capture your reader's attention.

Step 1: Describe your topic and keyword

Help our AI understand what you want to write a title for.

Check box
Type in a topic of your choice and any keywords you’d like to focus on.
Check box
The more descriptive you are, the better the generated title.
Check box
Once you're ready, move on to adding your primary keyword.

Title and headline

The Ultimate Guide to Using a Headline Generator


Step 2: Select your favourite title

After our AI has generated a few title options for you, it's time to select the one that best suits your needs.

Check box
Our AI will show you a list of 6 potential titles for you to pick from.
Check box
If you want to make some small tweaks to the title, you can click the title to customize it further.

Step 3: Brainstorm more headlines

If you like the titles but just want to see more options, just click the 'Generate more titles' button and our AI will create even more headlines for you.

Check box
Headline generators are a great way to come up with fresh ideas for your headlines and get the creative juices flowing.
Check box
They can also help you to come up with headlines that are more SEO-friendly.
Variation Illustration

Eye-catching titles at your fingertips

In addition to conveying the gist of your article, titles can make or break your website. They are your reader’s first impression of your website and play an integral role in Search Engine Optimisation. Use a blog headline generator to make sure your titles are specific and relevant.

Saves Time Icon

Stand out from the crowd

Distinguish yourself from the competition with an eye-catching title. Strong titles are original and specific to your target audience, allowing you to drive targeted traffic to your site.

SEO Ranking Icon

Better SEO rankings

With the billions of sites on the web, it can be difficult to capture the attention of your target audience. To rank highly, incorporate SEO keywords within your title and keep it at a length that’s optimal for the SERP.

Increase Conversion Icon

Engage your readers

Increase engagement and interaction by crafting a title that makes readers want to read more. In fact, research has shown that articles with strong titles generate significantly more engagement than articles without.

Blog Headline examples

Cool titles written by our AI article headline generator

First impressions last. Great titles are clear, succinct, and straightforward. They evoke the interest of the reader, set the tone for the rest of the article, and tell the reader what they can expect from the article without over-promising or under-delivering.

If you need some inspiration, here are some of examples of strong titles that our headline generator tool has produced that are sure to capture the attention of your target audience.

Example Headline about Writing

Sniff This: The Ultimate Guide On How To Describe A Smell
ExampleHeadline about Writing

Facing Writer's Block? Use these Product Description Templates
Example Headline about Content Strategy

Taking Your Revenue To The Next Level with Product Content
Example Headline about Writing

Product Description Generators: Write SEO Product Descriptions Quicker and Better
Example Headline about Social Media

Writing social media posts? Here's how you can give your brand an edge.
ExampleHeadline about eCommerce

6 Quick Tips for Awesome Product Detail Pages
ExampleHeadline about Writing

How to Write a Blog Introduction that Hooks Readers In
ExampleHeadline about Writing

Grammar Rules for Everyone: How & When to Use a Semicolon

AI-generated titles that convert

Brainstorm catchy, clickable titles that will boost your website’s search engine ranking and conversion rates.

Discover a better way to write

We're just scratching the surface on what you need to write five-star content for your Product Detail Pages (PDPs).

Style Icon

Your brand's voice

Need active voice versus passive voice? Titles and bullets? Or avoid competitors' keywords? We get our models to learn your needs and your voice.

Bulk Icon

Generate in bulk

Generate all your product descriptions at once. Grab a cup of coffee while our product description generator does the heavy lifting for you.

PIM Icon

Syncs to your PIM

All your product information synced with a touch of the button. Keep your product details aligned with a single source of truth.

Edit Icon

Edit freely

A built in editor right at your fingertips. We're also compatible with all your grammar checking browser extensions and tools.

Language Icon

Multiple languages

Speak the languages that your customers do and expand your market footprint. We support over 25 languages and counting.

AI Learns Icon

AI that learns

The more you use Hypotenuse AI, the more it learns your preferences, the better it gets. It's the intelligent assistant you always wanted.


What is a headline generator?
What's considered a catchy headline?
How do you write a headline?
Is a title the same as a headline?
Is Hypotenuse AI's headline generator free?

Learn more about AI copywriting and articles

We've collected all the resources and tips you need to start off an article.

The benefits of a great headline

Why are article headlines important?

Just like how we often judge books by their covers, we judge websites/articles by their titles and headlines.

In fact, your title could be the only reason why your website is not reaching its fullest potential. Just by making some changes to your headline, you can increase the traffic to your site by up to 500%.

When creating a website, you want more people to visit your website and interact with your content. The more engaged and bigger in volume your audience is, the more likely that your site will grow and prosper.

Titles occupy an exclusive place in the content you present to a reader and readers often decide whether or not they ought to click on the link or stay just after reading the title.

This means that the title might be your only chance to make a lasting first impression so it’s important that it’s a strong one. Write a title that showcases the best version of your article and grabs the attention of the reader.

What makes a good, catchy headline?

We think a strong title should be simple, informative, and straightforward. This means effectively condensing the gist of the article to let your target audience know what to expect and whether or not the article is worth reading or not.

The best titles are eye-catching and compelling but not spammy and clickbaity. It sets the right tone for the article and uses a very deliberate and precise selection of words. For example, a more casual title with informal words sets a precedent for a more conversational or fun article while a more serious title paves the way for a more academic and scholarly article.

Here are a few examples of effective headlines:

1. "How to Use a Headline Generator to Write Better Headlines"

2. "3 Simple Tips for Writing Effective Headlines"

3. "How to Make Your Headlines More SEO Friendly"

4. "5 Ways to Make Your Headlines More Engaging"

What can you do to make a headline more compelling?

How much traffic are you losing from your title? It turns out that 80% of people will read your title but only 20% of people will actually click through, which means a title is critical for an article’s viewership and traffic.

If you want to learn how to write impactful titles that drive engagement, keep reading. We'll share tips on how to write strong headlines and titles.

  1. Be specific and relevant: Make sure your headline is specific to the article you're writing and that it accurately represents the content.
  2. Use exact keywords: Using keywords in your headline can anchor the topic in your reader's mind, and also improve your SEO ranking by signalling relevance to the search engine.
  3. Keep it short: Headlines should be around 6-8 words long for the best results (and to avoid being cut off in search results).
  4. Use numbers and statistics: Numerals against a line of text stand out, making your headline more eye-catching. Instead of writing a headline with the words “five ways”, write a headline with the words “5 ways”.

    People naturally gravitate towards specific statistics, which also make you sound more credible and trustworthy.
  5. Create a sense of urgency: If possible, try to create a sense of urgency or excitement in your headline to encourage readers to click through.
  6. Brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm!: To make sure your article ranks well and your headline is clickable, maximize your chances by brainstorming a variety.

    Try writing a dozen or more headlines before choosing the best. If you’re having trouble coming up with that many headlines, maybe our headline generator can help.

How long should a headline be?

Titles need to be long enough to effectively communicate the gist of the article but short enough such that it doesn’t get cut off in the SERP and isn’t too much to take in. The ideal length? Research show it’s somewhere around 60 characters.

Ready to use your new AI headline generator?

Try our headline generator tool for unique & compelling titles to engage your audience.